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Wattpad Name: Faith786

Real Name:Faith Garcia (Pen Name)

Title of your first story on Wattpad:Lady In Red

What inspires you to write: Life! For every one out there to have an escape, to enjoy what they read even if it may not be the best. I write for all the readers And life inspires me.

What is your favorite Genre:Humour

What made you choose your User name:Faith= My name

786= In my religion these numbers stand for 'In the Name of God the Most Beneficial The most Merciful.'

Do you plan to release more stories on Wattpad: The day I finish Lady In Red after that I'll post something


If you could Inspire your fans and fellow newcomers to Wattpad what would you say: There is never a wrong or a right way in writing. Write what is in your heart, what you yourself would like to read. No matter what you write, how you write, or what people say, You are making an effort. Remember this always: Even if you may not have the most popular story, or you don't like the way you write, or even if you are intimidated by other writers, Know this: Someone somewhere reads what you write and actually enjoys it, and maybe in some tiny way you have impacted their lives! :)

What is your dream for your stories here on Wattpad: Nothing really, I just want people to enjoy what they read, maybe even say, 'Wow that was a good story'

But maybe I'm expecting too much.

Interview with a fellow wattpad writerWhere stories live. Discover now