Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Vincent Bloomingdale searched the upper floor with Claudia and Ryan. So far they hadn't found anything. They came across an office. The desk was covered in papers. There were papers on the floor. Vincent turned to Claudia and Ryan.

"Look around for something relating to fairies or vampires." He directed them. They got right to it. Claudia searched the filing cabinets. Ryan picked papers out of the floor. Vincent went to the desk. Five minutes later, Vincent found nothing. He looked at the others.

"Any luck?"

"None here." Claudia replied.

"Or here." Ryan returned to his pile. Vincent pulled more papers from the desk. The papers showed nothing. He picked up a picture frame. The man staring back looked oddly familiar to him. Vincent saw the name and gasped. Falling backwards he almost dropped the picture. The name on the picture was Kieran Bartron. Kieran was the fairy he had killed one hundred years ago.

We found the others and Kendall told them what happened. I couldn't help but notice Vincent was closed off. When everyone went for the door, I stayed back. Vincent saw that I didn't move.

"Brown eyes, what's wrong? Are you upset over Rhoda?"

"You seem different than you did before." I stated. He reached into his pocket. 

"I found this." He handed me a photo. A blonde haired man stared back. He looked around 20, maybe older. I saw a name on it. Kieran Bartron.

"Where did you find this?" I asked.

"In Neal's office. I think Kieran was his grandfather." Vincent took the picture back.

"Does that mean he's after you?"

"He must be." Vincent looked around as if he expected Neal to jump out. Or worse, Kieran himself.

"We have to figure something out." I said. Vincent nodded and went for the door. I heard a giggle behind me. There was a little girl staring at me. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She reminded me of someone. Me. The little girl ran in the opposite direction.

"Wait! Come back!" I sprinted after her. I followed her down the hall. She took a left and started down the stairs. She led me into a dark room. Then she faced me. A giggle rang from her throat. The dress she was wearing, I had the same one when I was little. The blue satin and the white lace. I wore it for a family portrait. The dress was always my favorite. It must be hers too. She sat down in the floor with her legs crossed. I plopped down next to her.

"Hey sweetie."

"Hello." She said and started humming a lullaby that I heard when I was little. It sounded a little scary now. I decided to interrupt her creepy song.

"What's your name, sweetie?" I asked. She stopped humming and turned to me.


Kendall Sparks waited for his girlfriend outside. He thought she got lost on the way out. Everyone else was waiting too.

"Ken, do you want to go find her?" Vincent asked. Before Kendall could answer, a loud scream escaped the building.

"Vivian!" Kendall sprinted inside, followed by Vincent and Kingsley. They ran from room to room. Then they went downstairs leading them in to the dark room. It was empty.

I opened my eyes and found that I was in something small, really small. I remembered the little girl who looked like me when I was younger. Then I saw an object flying towards my head and next nothing.

"Hello!" I called. "Little girl!" I sucked in a breath. "Vivian!" Silence. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. Kendall was on speed dial. He answered on the first ring. 

"Viv, where are you?" He sounded scared.

"I don't know. Maybe a box or something small." I peered into the darkness.

"We'll find you." He assured me. My phone died. I started pounding on my small dungeon. I heard a giggle from outside.

"Hello! Vivian!" I called.

She giggled again. "Ready or not. Here they come."

Vincent Bloomingdale walked around looking for Vivian. Kendall suggested that they split up, cover more ground. Vincent rounded the corner and went down the dark hallway. He heard footsteps behind him. Then he heard a whisper. "Why'd you kill me?" Vincent spun around. Nobody was there.

"Why'd you kill me?" The whisper came again. Vincent whipped around. Finally, he saw who it was. It was a blonde haired man who looked about 20. Kieran? Vincent questioned. He wanted to move closer, but he was frozen in place.

The blonde man looked up. "Ready or not. Here they come." The man ran down the hall and disappeared.

Kendall Sparks searched frantically for Vivian. He'd just got off the phone with her. She had no idea where she was. He came across a little girl. She looked like a miniature Vivian. The little girl held out her hand.

"I can take you to her." She offered. Kendall took her hand.

"What's your name, dear?" Kendall asked.

"The girl that was here, the pretty one with brown hair, do you love her?"

"Yes, more than anything." The girl smiled.

"Good. She'll need your protection from the men that were here." The little girl opened the door in the floor. She walked down the staircase, towing Kendall behind her. The girl pointed to a box and handed him a key.

"What's your name?" Kendall repeated. The little girl started up the stairs. She turned to Kendall. "Vivian." With that she was gone. Kendall hurried to the box and opened it. He lifted her out of it. She blinked and stared at him.

"Where's Vivian?"

"I'm not sure." He paused. "Let's get out of here."

We were exiting the building, when I found a note. V.H.D. was written on it. I tore it open on the side it had scrawled handwriting. Vincent came to my side and read over my shoulder.

I told you I liked games. You better hope you don't find us for real.

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