Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I took a shower and changed my clothes. I went downstairs and found my mom, Kendall, and Vincent. Kendall gave me a hug.

"I'm glad to see you happy again." He took my hand. 

"I hate to kill the good mood we're all in, but we need to know where you were." My mom stated.

"I don't know where I was."

"Did Henry Wottsman and Neal Bartron kidnap you?" Vincent asked. I nodded.

"How'd you escape?"

"A girl there helped me escape. Her name was Rhoda." I replied.

"Where is she now?" My mom asked.

"She didn't make it out." I looked away. Rhoda was most likely dead. Tears sprang to my eyes. I pushed them back. I remembered the words she said to me. Kendall and I needed to make a difference. A change. But how?

"Cynthia and I have errands to run. Ken, why don't you take brown eyes to our house?" Vincent broke into my thoughts.

"Sure. Viv, do you want to go?" He asked. I nodded.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to see your Aunt Beatrice. She's sick." My mom announced. She rolled out her suit case and gave me a hug.

"Tell Aunt Beatrice, I say hi." She nodded.

About ten minutes later, I entered Kendall's and Vincent's house. The house was still beautiful and huge. Kendall led me to the kitchen and asked me what I wanted to eat.

"What do you have?" He pulled out a box of chocolate chip pancakes.

"Well, there is chicken and roast beef." He smiled and started mixing the batter. I smiled, realizing I had Kendall back. My heart fluttered. Kendall raised his eyebrow. "Someone’s happy."

"I'm just happy to be home and with you...." I trailed off and blushed. There was a knock at the door. 

"Will you get that, Viv?" Kendall flipped a pancake. I opened the door to see a man and a woman. They both had light brown hair. The woman had baby blue eyes. They looked really familiar.

"Hello, I'm Ronald and this is Lydia. We're Kendall's parents."

I stared at them, completely shocked. These were Kendall's parents? I could see the resemblance. Kendall had his parents light brown hair. His dad's skin color, which was very pale. And his mom's stunning blue eyes. 

"Kendall." I called into the kitchen. He came to my side and stopped short at the sight of his parents. 

"Mom, dad, what are you doing here?"

"We've come to see you." His mom beamed. She was beautiful. Her brown hair was curly and cascaded down her back.

"After all these years. No thanks." Kendall sniffed. He stayed the perfect amount of distance away from them. His face was guarded.

"Can we come in?" His dad asked. Kendall thought for a minute.

"Okay." He stepped aside. The Sparkses walked in. They searched the room, taking in every detail. His dad turned to me. He inched closer and smelled me,

"Fairy." He whispered to his wife. She balked at me. I moved backwards.

"I'll go get some blood." Kendall left the room.

"Is Kendall going to kill you?" Kendall's mom asked me. I shook my head. Every instinct in my body told me to get out of there. Mrs. Sparks moved towards my neck. Her husband grabbed my arms. Panic flowed through my body. Kendall's dad's grip tightened. A hand went over my mouth. I let out a muffled scream. Kendall charged in the room. He saw his parents binding his girlfriend's arms and jumped into action. He yanked me away from them and pushed me behind him. Vincent came thought the door. He examined the scene before him.

"What the heck is going on here?" He demanded.

"We came to see our son and a fairy was here. What do you expect us to do?" Kendall's parents moved closer to us. Vincent raced between us and them. 

"Get the heck out of my house!" Vincent hollered. Kendall's parents seemed unfazed.

"We're not afraid of you, Vincent." Kendall's dad pushed forward. I realized that someone needed to do something. Kendall noticed this too and gave me a brief nod. I looked at his parents again. I pictured the house bursting into flames. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks yelped and rushed out of the house. We stood there for a moment to see if they were coming back. Finally, we deemed they were gone. 

"Why were they here? Why'd you even let them inside?" Vincent interrogated Kendall.

"I didn't realize what they were going to do." Kendall said defensively.

"You have a fairy here. What did you expect them to do?" 

"I didn't know." Kendall snapped.

"Well, it's your girlfriend's life that’s on the line here." Vincent crossed his arms. "It doesn't matter anymore. Brown eyes, are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine." I replied meekly.

"Ronald and Lydia have quite the tempers." Vincent sat down. I watched Kendall. He looked shell-shocked. As if that was a storm and this was the aftershock.

"What did you show them?" Vincent asked.

"The house being on fire." I responded. Suddenly, the house was on fire. The stove was anyway. I rushed in the kitchen and smothered it the flames. Kendall followed me to the kitchen, still in aftershock.

"Ken, maybe you should take a nap." Vincent suggested. He nodded and gave me a hug. We watched him go upstairs. I reached for the pot and started rinsing it out.

"Brown eyes, did Kendall's parents say anything to you?" Vincent took the pot away from me. He wouldn't have guests do dishes. 

"They just asked if Kendall was going to kill me." I informed him.

"I see. They're still expecting him to change." Vincent started scrubbing the pot. "They've had their mind set on it since he left them."

"When was that?" I asked.

"When Kendall 13 years old." When Kendall said he left his parents at a young age, he wasn't kidding. 

"Kendall's parents kicked him out at 13?" I blurted out without thinking. Vincent gave me a confused stare.

"Rhoda, the half-vampire at the place I was held hostage, said that choosing not to kill fairies results into parents kicking their children out. I asked Kendall and he confirmed it." I explained.

"You said she didn't make it out." Vincent pointed out.

"Neal was shooting at us and she got hit with two bullets. I think she's dead."

"You're probably right. Half-vampires can only live through so much." Vincent agreed. "Your mom said that you can stay at your house or stay with us."

"Either way is fine with me." I stated.

"You'll be staying with us. I doubt Cynthia expected two full vampires to want to kill her daughter." Vincent said.

"Let me get clothes at my house." He nodded and wrote a message for Kendall. We left for my house.

The Broken Whole(Book Three of The Perfect Half Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें