Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

15 minutes later, Kendall Sparks went to the kitchen. He saw a note on the table. Went to get brown eye's clothes. She'll be staying with us.-V   Kendall sat the note down and grabbed a soda out of the fridge. There was another knock at the door. He rose from his chair and slowly went to answer it. Ronald and Lydia were on the other side. Kendall tried to close the door, but his father stopped him. Being stronger than Kendall, Ronald pushed the door open without breaking a sweat.

"Kendall, we want to talk." Lydia pleaded.

"Not after you attack my girlfriend." Kendall snapped. His parents seemed shocked after he said that.

"You're dating a fairy?" Ronald's voice cracked.

"I love a fairy." Kendall corrected.

"Do you know how wrong that is?"

"It's not wrong." Kendall glared at them.

"If you ask every other supernatural being if it was wrong, what do you think they'd say?" Lydia asked.

"I don't care what they'd say." Kendall stood his ground. He watched his parent's disappointed reaction.

"If you two had a child, it'd be a hybrid. Half vampire and half fairy. The thing would be destructive." Lydia spoke her disgust.

"I've heard this all before." Kendall said unconvinced.

His parents stared at each other. "You'll regret this." They left the house.

Vincent and I entered his and Kendall's house. Kendall smiled at us and said hello. Something was wrong. I could see it in his face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Of course not." He replied. He seemed uneasy and nervous.

"You're lying." I pointed out. He looked shocked that I picked up on it that fast.

"My parents came by again." He confessed.

"What did they say?"

"At first they wanted to talk about why I had you here." He started.


"I told them about us." He continued. "They said the same things as every one else."

"I expected they would." Vincent said. Kendall seemed less nervous, but he was still uneasy. I put my hand on his arm.

"It's going to be okay." I comforted him. He pulled me in for a hug. I put my head on his shoulder.

"So pancakes anyone?"

Hours later, Kendall and I watched Gossip Girl. Serena van der Woodsen was talking into her phone. We watched her end the episode.

"Who does Serena end up with?" Kendall asked.

"Gossip Girl." I replied.

"That doesn't make sense." Kendall said.

"You'll have to watch." I grinned.

"Oh c'mon. We're on season 5 of like one hundred." He protested.

"There are six seasons. You'll live."

"Alright." He took my hand. We played another episode. Halfway through Vincent came in.

"Gossip Girl?"

"Yep." He sat in a chair and watched with us.

"Did you know Gossip Girl is-" I cut him off.

"Shush. Kendall hasn't seen it yet." I warned him.

"You won't believe it when you find out." Vincent tried to raise his suspense.

"Jenny Humphrey?" We smiled at him.

"Serena van der Woodsen?"

"Blair Waldorf?"

"Vanessa Abrams?"

"Wait and find out." I stated. He sighed. We watched a few more episodes and prepared for bed. I slept in the guest room. Kendall and I were about to say goodnight, but Vincent interrupted.

"Ken, stay out of the guest room, okay." He nodded and we went to bed.

The next morning I felt a hand brush the hair out of my face. 

"Morning beautiful."

"Mmmmm." I mumbled into my pillow.

"Wake up, Viv." I climbed out of bed and started looking through my bag.

"How'd you sleep?" Kendall asked.

"Pretty good." I gave him a hug. "How about you?"

"Great." He said. I smiled at how he was so happy in the mornings.

"Sure." He left while I changed and then we went to the kitchen. Vincent was serving eggs and bacon onto a plate.

"Morning Ken. Morning brown eyes." He greeted us.

"Morning." Kendall and I said in unison.

"Vincent, what do you do at night?"

"Watch TV. How did you think I knew about Gossip Girl? And I write poetry."

I grinned at him. "You like to write poetry? Can I read it? Where you ever published?"

"Yes. Yes. And no." He smiled and set a plate in front of me. I started eating. Kendall went for the door.

"I'll be right back."

"Where's he going?" I asked Vincent when he was gone.

"To get a drink. He didn't want to do it in front of you." He explained.

"I appreciate that." I said.

"I think he knows that." Vincent responded. A little later, Kendall came back in and we went to school. I headed to the office, to let them know I'm back. After that, I found out that I missed a lot of homework. By the end of the day, I had like 20 assignments. Kendall offered to help me catch up. We went to Kendall's house. Vincent was in the living room. He had his eyes closed. I would have thought he was sleeping, but he didn't sleep. Full vampires never do. Kendall shook his shoulder.

"Vincent, what's going on?" He asked.

"Nothing really. It's just that we haven't heard from Henry and Neal. Didn't they know you escaped?"

"Henry was unconscious at the time. Neal saw me leave." I realized they would have come by sooner if they wanted me back. They must have something else planned.

They’re defiantly up to something." Kendall said.

"We'll have to find out what that is." 

"And soon." Vincent agreed.

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