Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The next few days dragged on. Rhoda brought me meals and I'd finally started to eat it. Rhoda had a few conversations with me, but it didn't last long. She brought me a few books and pens with paper. Something to do during the day. Even with the books and the supplies, the days were very slow. We didn't have many conversations about vampires or fairies. But one day something very weird happened. Rhoda came in with my lunch. Her expression was worried.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. She shook her head. I looked at her face and noticed a cut on her cheek. "What happened?"

"Nothing, it's not important." She spoke quickly. She was about to turn away, but I grabbed her hand.

"It's okay. You can tell me." I dropped her hand.

"Neal was mad that I brought you books and supplies." She looked away. I reached over and put my hand on her cheek. Her eyes widened when her skin glowed. I pulled my hand back and she felt her cheek. The cut was gone.

"Thank you." She said. She fled through the door. Leaving me to the silence of the dark room.

Henry Wottsman and Neal Bartron sat around a small wooden table. They were discussing what to do with Vivian.

"We should get rid of her while we can." Henry suggested. He thought there was no way she'd ever join them. Keeping her around just gave her a chance to escape. They should get her out of the way and the sooner the better.

"No. I think we can break her. We just need more time." Neal declined his suggestion.

"We've already wasted enough time. She's just a threat." Henry protested. Henry and Neal didn't agree on anything.

"She is very useful." Neal argued.

"Yes, but she isn't useful if she doesn't help us." Henry fired back

"Two more weeks and if she doesn't comply, then we'll remove her for good." Neal bargained.

"Alright, two weeks. She won't listen though. You haven't seen them together. They are two pieces of one part. Together they are whole, as wrong as that is." Henry met Neal's gaze. He didn't like either Kendall or Vivian, but what they had was real and strong.

"She'll do it, if she wants to live." Neal said. 

Henry shook his head. "She would rather die. If Kendall knew about it, he'd want her to kill him. He loves her just as much as she loves him."

"A love like that is beautiful and dangerous. If this plan fails, we can use it against them." Neal suggested.

"That could work. They're very protective of each other." Henry paused. "Does it ever occur to you what might happen if the supernatural world knew about its strongest enemies colliding? That they could they could create a hybrid."

"The supernatural world couldn't handle that. It'd be catastrophic. Each side would blame the other. War would break out and fairies would be killed off." Neal spoke thoughtfully.

"Maybe, but what if there were more like Vivian? What if there were more bonds like Vivian and Kendall? There are more vampires that refuse to change. We could be evenly matched." Henry thought about this a lot. This was a definite possibility. Except, no one knew how many vampires and fairies there were. But there were more vampires then fairies. Maybe a lot more.

"If that did happen, it might help. But most likely fairies would lose." Neal sighed. Vivian is very powerful. More people like her could change everything. Sadly, she was the only one they knew of. Fairies would want her for her powers. Vampires would want to destroy her because she is the only fairy that could stand against there kind alone. 

"What if Kendall and Vivian had children? What would happen then?" Henry knew that Neal didn't know the answer, but he had to ask.

"The baby would be half vampire and half fairy. Its powers would be amazing and threatening. It could fly and run at extreme speeds. It would ne the perfect example of superhuman." 

Neal picked up his coffee. "If the child existed," He paused "We would really rule the world."  

The Broken Whole(Book Three of The Perfect Half Series)Where stories live. Discover now