Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The next few days went by fast. I got my homework caught up and my grades went up. Neither Henry nor Neal showed up at the doorstep. This made us all nervous. My mom was still visiting Aunt Beatrice. With my mom gone, there was no one to see the future. No one to see Henry or Neal coming. Maybe there was a better way than just wait for them to find us. Maybe there was a better way to protect ourselves. I was thinking of this while talking to Vincent. The idea came to me all at once.

"We can't wait for Henry and Neal to find us." I told him this out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" Vincent asked as Kendall entered the room.

"We can't wait for Henry and Neal to find us." I repeated. "If we wait we'll be unprepared. So why don't we take them by surprise?"

"We find them." Vincent smiled proudly at me.

"Yes, they won't expect it." I waited for Kendall's reaction.

He smiled too. "Great idea, Viv."

"Where do we start?" Vincent looked at me for more great plans.

"Well," I thought for a moment. "We could go to where I was held hostage."

"What if there are guards at the door or they have back?" Kendall asked.

"We could get some of my friends to help." Vincent suggested. I thought of two other people that could help. I looked at Vincent. He must have had the same thought.

"Kendall?" I spoke gently. 

"Yea, Viv?"

"There are two other people who could help." I started.

"Your parents." Vincent finished.

"I don't think they would help." Kendall bit his lip. His parents helping us worried him.

"They want to take down fairies, right?"

"I guess." Kendall agreed.

"Well, there's two too the list." 

"Alright, but no one gets hurt, especially you." He gave in.

"Great." Vincent boomed. "I'll round up my friends. Ken, you call your parents."

The next day we prepared for the vampires. Vincent's friends would arrive after lunch. Kendall's parents would be here later. Vincent and Kendall wanted me out of site until they get them to help us. 11:30 came and Vincent sat out bags of blood. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

"Ken, brown eyes, out of the room. Hurry." Kendall and I scuttled out of the room. The door opened and Vincent started talking.

"I've called you because I need your assistance."

"What do you need?" A woman asked.

"I have a few enemies I need to take down." Vincent stated.

"Well, that's easy." A man's voice spoke confidently.

"Not that easy. There is another friend, a very good friend at that, whom I'm doing this for. She is Kendall's girlfriend. He loves her dearly and so do I." 

"Don't be shy, Vincent. I love to meet this girl." Another woman said.

"Okay, but don't jump to conclusions." Vincent paused. "Vivian, Kendall, you can come out." We walked into the room. They smiled at me, ready to be friends.

"Hello Vivian." They greeted in unison.


"There's something you need to know about Vivian." Vincent turned to me. I nodded. I took a deep breath and opened my wings. The vampires gasped.

"Is she a snack?" A man asked. He had brown eyes and was bald.

"No. She is my friend and Kendall's girlfriend." Vincent replied.

"And if they had children. They'd be hybrids." The blonde girl said. She had ice blue eyes.

"That's a risk we're willing to take." Kendall spoke for the first time.

"Vivian, I'm Claudia." A girl with brown eyes and black hair introduced herself. The name sounded Spanish.

"Como estas?" I asked.

"Bien. Y tu?" She grinned.

"Nerviosa." I replied.

"You're safe." She reassured me.

The blonde, seeing I was trustworthy, stepped forward. "I'm Kingsley."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled. The other two introduced themselves.

"Leon." The guy with brown eyes and no hair smiled.

"Ryan." The other shook my hand. Ryan had green eyes and black hair.

"Well, Vivian, tell us about yourself. What is your power?" Kingsley asked.

"I have 4." I admitted. They didn't seem to believe me.

"What are they?"

"Super-speed in flying, mind-control, healing, and I can make myself appear to people through their mind." I explained.

"You're an impressive fairy." Ryan examined me. "I'm surprised someone doesn't try to own you."

"That's why I asked you here. There were already people who did that. They want Vivian's powers. We need to get rid of them." Vincent told them.

They exchanged looks and nodded. "We'll do it."

"Thank you." Kendall said.

"So it's just us?" Claudia asked.

"No. Kendall's parents might help." Vincent responded.

"Good luck with that." Leon rolled his eyes. "They'll drink her when you turn your backs."

"Then we won't turn our backs." Kendall's voice was sharp. The group broke up. Vincent, Leon, and Claudia went to the kitchen. Kendall, Ryan, Kingsley, and I stayed in the living room. Kendall took my hand. Kingsley grinned when we did.

"I don't care what they say, you're adorable together." She beamed. Kendall thanked her.

"Vivian." Ryan said. I turned to him. "Boy, your name is a mouthful. How about nickname?"


Ryan and Kingsley started to think of one. "I know. How about Vee?"

"Vee." I repeated.

"It has a nice ring." Kendall pointed out.

"What does Kendall call you?" Kingsley asked.

"Viv." I smiled. Kingsley grinned at us. Vincent came in, followed by Leon and Claudia.

"Ken, your parents are coming early."

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