Depuis le début

Allison is pretty sure there isn't one square inch that isn't covered in tinsel, and every other room has a Christmas tree of one shape or form in it. There's baubles, holly, tinsel, ivy, more tinsel, various banners, and even more tinsel. The sight is really quite comical. She'd probably be more amused by the mistletoe if not for the awkward encounter that it had caused at the front door.

"Hey, Allison," Toby had greeted with his usual amount of brightness, then frowned suddenly. "Wait," he'd said.


"Sorry, please don't kill me," Toby had said quickly in a rush, before stooping slightly to plant a soft kiss on her cheek.

Allison had already felt the blush blooming on her cheeks. "What –?"

"Mistletoe," Toby had shifted uncomfortably, pointing above their heads. "Please don't kill me?" he'd repeated.

"I'm not going to kill you," Allison had managed to roll her eyes, and yeah, maybe she was still kind of flushed, but whatever. It was just from the surprise, not from the idea of Toby kissing her cheek, or anything.

And if Allison still sometimes brings her hand to her cheek occasionally without realising, that's whatever. Completely irrelevant.

"Are you okay?" Toby is glancing at her while he stands in front of the microwave as the popcorn heats up. Allison realises with a jolt that her hand is on her cheek, and brings it down immediately, determined not to blush.

"Fine," she says, and if it comes out a few octaves too high, that is totally not anything to do with anything.

"Okay..." Toby turns back to the microwave, before seemingly thinking better of it and turning back to her. "Want hot chocolate?"

"Sure," Allison hops onto the counter across from him as he reaches to open the cupboard, stretching slightly to retrieve the powder that's on the top shelf. Toby's shirt rides up slightly, exposing a sliver of bare skin, and for some reason, Allison feels her eyes drift towards it. She doesn't even realise she's been staring until she blinks and Toby's gone from in front of the cupboard at all, already spooning the powder into two mugs.


Allison shakes her head. Oh no. No way. This is not a thing. This is so not a thing. This is completely and totally not a thing.


She squeezes her eyes shut. This is Toby, she thinks to herself. Get a grip. This is Toby. Toby Martin. That annoying little brother who's actually older than you figure that you've always been missing in your life. That guy you're always rolling your eyes at. Your ex-boyfriend's best friend. Toby Martin.

"Allison? Are you sure you're okay?"

Allison's eyes snap open. Toby is looking at her concernedly, taking a few unsteady steps towards her, a mug of chocolate in each hand. She notices for the first time that his hair is unbrushed, sticking up slightly. Like he just rolled out of bed. Or something.

Oh no, Allison practically yells at herself. No way. Stop right fucking now.

"Yep," she slips off the counter, grabbing a warm mug from Toby's hand and being extra careful not to let their hands touch. "I'm gonna...I'm gonna go put the film on."

She can feel Toby's eyes on her as she leaves the kitchen and makes a beeline for the television. After finding and retrieving the DVD of Mamma Mia, which has Colin Firth, Amanda Seyfried, Pierce Brosnan and Meryl Streep among others all beaming brazenly on the front.

Eleven O'Clock NumberOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant