Panties On Or Off

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Jack glanced away as Hiccup smiled encouragingly at him, trying to get the white haired male to admit what this fetish was. Jack was the one who brought up the topic and having a small secret of something he liked and had wanted to experiment with something a bit new, so Hiccup was curious, wanting to support his lover and boyfriend. It took a moment but slowly words slipped from his lips.

"I … I like wearing panties. Stockings too but . .. mainly panties. I like how it feels. I like also how they look on others.” The words slipped out from Jack’s lips quickly, as if they were burning at his tongue, unable to stop them once the first bit came out. He was so tempted to ramble, to explain how the entire thing started, but how would Hiccup take it when he was already looking at him like he grew a third head? Shit, would Hiccup break up with him over this? This wasn’t normal, it wasn’t a small little ‘I like bondage and wanna tie you up baby’ like they had before, no this … this was personal and different and fuck, Jack wanted it badly but he wanted the other male to accept it and be fine with it.

Fucking hell, Hiccup, say something! Jack was slowly going insane with the silence from his lover and boyfriend, his min over reacting and sending the worst to his mind. Finally, after a long moment, something came from Hiccup. Laughter.

“Are you serious? That’s your deep dark secret? Jack, that’s … so fucking GAY.” He snorted loudly, doubling over in his seat in a fit of laughter and snickers as he had the mental images running through his mind. True, he was picturing a tutu with it all as this was so damn girly, how couldn’t he? “Jack, did you forget you are a guy? Being gay can only get you so far, I mean come on, panties? That’s … that’s a gay we haven’t gone to!” He taunted and teased, not looking at the expression his boyfriend had on his face. He didn’t see the flicker of pain and hurt from the others laughter and words. Pale fists clenched, perfect grit together as Jack pushed himself from the table in his and his boyfriends apartment. This was not what he had wanted, it was worse then he had even expected. He had expected to be told it was a bit much and that Hiccup wasn’t into it, but … to be laughed at? No, he couldn’t take it, he just … he couldn’t.

Hiccup almost missed seeing Jack get up and move to take his hoodie from the couch and pull it on, snatching the three things needed; wallet, keys and phone before moving towards the front door. Green eyes widened as confusion slipped onto his face. “Jack, wait, what are you doing?”

“Going out.”


“Don’t text me. I’ll be back tomorrow at latest.”

Hiccup didn’t get the chance to call out to the other another time as the door slammed shut, hearing the sounds of Jack’s feet moving heavy and fast down the stairs of the apartment complex. Green eyes stared at the door, unable to make himself move, unable to try and go after the other even though he knew he would most likely trip with his prosthetic leg. Jack was serious, he wasn’t just making a joke or trying to be funny, he was serious over the panty kink. He was serious and Hiccup just laughed in his face over it. The realization was hitting him hard, slipping from the chair to the ground. No … No, this was not right and Hiccup would find a way to fix it somehow.

With that in mind, the auburn haired male took a breath a moved to get his own jacket, wallet and keys. He was going to the place of man hell, the place that made him squirm in embarrassment to even consider going to, he was going to step through the doors of Satan’s play house and he was going to get what he needed to make his lover know he loved him no matter what. Victoria’s Secret. Caw caw motherfuckers.

It was the middle of the night when Jack let himself back into the apartment he shared with his boyfriend, partly drunk, smelling of alcohol and a bit of guilt for having taken off as he had. He knew better. He knew that his boyfriend hadn’t meant to hurt him but it … it was his biggest secret. He had never told anyone, even past relationships about his kink and just … it ripped him apart for Hiccup to dismiss it like that. But he knew better and he knew Hiccup would be fast asleep and they could talk in the morning after Jack slept off the alcohol .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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