A Little Cramped

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Despite Jack's grounding, his mother had allowed him to go out with his newly acquired friends one Friday night to see a new movie that had just come out. She hadn't even asked when the movie was going to end. Of course, she did ask that Jack call her after the movie was done, presumably so that she could time how long it took him to get home. She would definitely know if Jack's good-for-trouble punk boyfriend had stolen him away for some fun. The thing was, even though Jack was eighteen, she still felt like she needed to set rules for him to keep him safe. It wasn't entirely her fault; Jack hadn't had this many friends ever in his life. It may have also helped that Hiccup had promised there would be other people with them, thus it wasn't a "date" per se.

Although Hiccup probably didn't mention that while they were carpooling, they most certainly weren't carpooling with him and Jack. Good thing she didn't look too closely at Hiccup's tinted windows. She was probably still apprehensive about the fact that Jack was riding in a sleek, midnight black Mustang that went way faster than any car should go on legal roads (at least those were her words). Hiccup had to promise Jack's mother─ hell, even had her ride with him in the car several times─ that he was a safe driver, and she was still suspicious.

But none of that mattered tonight after she said yes. As soon as the word mumbled out of her mouth, Jack eagerly jumped into Hiccup's tattooed arms for a hug. It did warm her heart to see her son happy, and she did try to see past Hiccup's exterior, but occasionally it was difficult.

Not that he let it show, but Hiccup had been extraordinarily happy about it. So much so that he actually drove only slightly above the speed limit on the way, holding Jack's hand in between shifting gears. Of course, he had a very different─ and very clever─ reason for going slow as well.

See, Jack's mother insisted that Jack call her when they got to the movie theater in the nearest town. Living in rural Burgess, the closest movie theater was at least a forty-five minute drive away. Knowing this, Hiccup took his time in making it to the movie theater. Yes, they were a few minutes later than everyone else, but that didn't matter. It gave Jack almost forty minutes worth of time that he'd said had taken them to drive to the theater. Hiccup grinned to himself as they got out of the car after the call. When Jack asked what Hiccup was thinking, the punk merely pushed up Jack's falling glasses and kissed his forehead. It's nothing, he had said. You're cute, was all that he had to say to make Jack blush profusely.

After the movie, Astrid, the twins Rhiannon and Trevor, Aster, Tooth, and her sister Bri waved goodbye to Hiccup and Jack─ Hiccup had said he needed to get Jack home before his mother got worried. Astrid and the twins got into Astrid's car to head back toward Berk and Aster was taking Tooth and Bri home in his older Jeep. Aster had been talking to Hiccup about his car and possibly driving it himself someday, but Hiccup said he wasn't about to lend it to anyone anytime soon and mentioned that they had to be going. Aster reluctantly said goodbye, more to the car and Jack than to Hiccup, and drove away.

Jack had taken out his ridiculously old flip phone and had begun dialing his mother's number when Hiccup's large freckled hand clamped the phone's top around his fingers and ripped it out of his grasp.

"Hiccup!" Jack could not afford a new phone. "You're going to break it─ Hiccup!" Said thief nonchalantly put the phone in his pocket and ignored the nerd as he walked back to his car. "Damn it, Hiccup!" Jack chased after him and put his lanky arms around Hiccup's muscled one to stop him from getting into the car. Hiccup turned to Jack in surprise, an eyebrow cocked.

"I didn't think you had it in you to swear, Frostbite," Hiccup mused, easily taking Jack's arm off of his and holding his shoulders so that they were looking eye to eye. "Come on, we have to get you home in forty-five minutes, after all."

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