Even a mother cant help

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It hurts knowing that the person who brought me into this world is the one making it the hell I am living. When I say I'm crying over how I feel so isolated. She says you should've had more friends and stop making problems.

Right when i finally feel like I can rant to someone they disappear. It just stays inside until when it comes out very painfully. The ones who I spend the whole school year with tell me how they don't like me.

My step moms family which I can't say is mine, I wish was. I feel closer in a couple of days with some of the people then I ever did with some friends. The one I didn't realize I grew up with is still nice like I remember and slowly I call them my family. After they leave I'm hit with the truth that none of us are blood. I am just a step kid they call family.

I finally get happy when I was told my dads best friends sister runs a big agency of what I want to do. While the best friend can help me get into a good school. My mom has to come back in and make it feel like nothing happy ever happened.

I wish I could wake up in the past where it was a happy time and I don't have to worry about a thing. But still I have trust issues now because of everybody lying issues. The lies of all the friends who say they'll help and do something but help cause the pain.

~selfish Grace

Why are you still reading, there is no point so just leave this story?

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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