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*Harry's POV*

It had only been about a month and a half now since I brought Louis home. I was so happy at how quick he was adjusting, but I could still see a hint of the adult Louis sometimes. Now that its the middle of October and Halloween is nearing closer, I want to make sure Louis is fully in his headspace before we participate in anything big. Right now, his headspace was so fragile. Anything he didnt like could snap him out of it and he'd go back to his sassy behavior. I just desperately wanted my baby boy to well, be my baby.

"Good morning, my little prince." I picked up Louis from his crib. He whined and laid his head in my neck. I laid him down on the changing table and unzipped his bear onesie.

I was glad he adapted to diapers easily as well so I didnt have to force him and make him even more uncomfortable with me. I threw out the dirty diaper and powdered him before giving him a new diaper. I zipped the onesie back up and picked up Louis. He wrapped his arms around around my neck and laid his head down.

"Someone's really sleepy, huh?" I teased and took him downstairs. "What do you want for breakfast today, Boobear?" Louis thought for a second.

"Pancakes." He yawned out. I nodded and went to work. Within 20 minutes I made his meal and set it on his tray. Louis happily let me feed him until the plate was empty.

"All done!" I praised and kissed his forehead. A small smile grew onto his face. I loved his little smile so much and I loved how he embraced my affection most of the time now. "Want to watch some tv shows or a movie?" I asked him.

"Can I watch Tarzan, Daddy?" Louis asked politely.

"Of course." I took him out his high chair and placed him in his swing. I switched it on and it lightly swung him back and forth. I switched on the movie and went upstairs to get something I've been meaning to try. I walked back down and leaned next to the swing. "Baby, open up." Louis was so focused on the movie he didnt even look, just opened his mouth. I popped in the pacifier. For a second Louis doesnt care, but I could see his eyes widen in realization.

"What the fuck?!" He spit out the pacifier and glared at me. Nice going, Harry you broke him out of his headspace again.

"No cursing, remember. Can you please try it for Daddy?" I asked and raised the pacifier up to his lips again. I could practically see the gears turning in his head. I felt so sorry for the boy. Part of him was beginning to enjoy this lifestyle but the other part was still holding on. He was probably so confused over his own actions and words.

"No way." Louis turned his head away. A few tears fell down his cheeks. I hated to see him cry.

"Oh baby, dont cry. Its okay." I soothed and wiped his tears away. "We can try whenever you're ready." Louis turned back to the movie with a frown. Guess that's my cue to go eat my breakfast now. I just settle on cereal because its simple. I eat it quickly and return to Louis.

I take him out his swing and sit him on my lap on the couch. Louis rests his back on my chest and his head into my neck. His focus remained on the movie. I didnt really have any interest in the movie so I just watched my baby's reaction to everything. The way his eyes widened when anything shocking happened or the way his blue eyes followed the characters. He was so perfect. He really was the perfect little boy. I played with his hair and Louis leaned into the touch. I love him so much.

"Why did you pick me?" Louis asked suddenly.

"When I saw you, I just knew you were the little boy I've been waiting for." I answered honestly. Louis stayed quiet for a moment as he took this in.

"Why.. Why cant I control what I say or do sometimes? Some things slip out and I do things I never thought I would do now." He asks.

"Thats you naturally slipping into your headspace, bub. There's nothing wrong with it." I reassured him. Louis nodded and then turned completely around to face me while sitting on my lap. His legs were on either side of me and his bum rested on my upper thighs.

"Im so confused." He admitted sadly. I wanted to comfort him so badly, but I knew this is something he had to work out over time.

"Thats okay." I cupped his cheek and brushed my thumb along his soft skin. My baby boy. I love him.

"Do you just want to take care of me?" He asked looking down.

"Well.. Actually thats what I intended, but the more I know you the more I'm in love with you." I admitted. Louis's eyes shot up to meet mine with more confusion. "Maybe one day you could be my boyfriend. My little."

"You have a funny way of getting boyfriends." He teased. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"I guess so." I smiled. His hand reached up and he poked my dimple.

"I like your dimples, Daddy." He giggled, but then when he realized what he called me his smile fell.

"Thank you, Boobear." I kissed his nose, catching him by surprise. His smile returned to his face and his nose scrunched up like a confused kitten. Oh, god I'm in love with him.


Finally did Harry's POV! :D I just wanted to try something different. The next chapter will most likely be Louis's POV again because he's not completely in his headspace yet. Once he is you will be getting a lot more of Harry's POV.

What did you guys think of this chapter?

I love you all!! See you soon Jellybeans!!

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