Chapter nine. You have to catch me.

Start from the beginning

 "Come on gran you sit down and I'll make us all a cup of tea." I suggest and walk into the kitchen to make tea, leaving my gran with Ella. Ella seems to have cried quite a bit but I knew she thought he was a sweet person, and that he was my family from my mothers side. 

 I finish the tea's and take them to the living room and plonk myself next to Ella. 

 "I'm sorry gran." 

 "Me too Michael. At least I know he loved me through out the whole 57 years of being together." She smiled. "He'd tell me everyday that he loved me. Even when I was in a mood with him or anything like that." 

 "And he knew you loved him too." Ella reassured her. 

 "And he thought the world of you two you know, even though he only meet Ella once, he said that as soon as he saw her with you, she was going to be good in your life Michael. He wants you to hold on to this one." She smiled at the two of us making the two of us blush. 

"You remind me of Ian and myself when we first got together."

 "Thanks gran." Michael smiled. 

 "The funeral will be next week, maybe Friday. I'll let you though love." She takes a sip of tea and whips her eyes with her tissue. 

 Then the doorbell rang.

 "Hi Mary. I'm sorry for your loss, I thought I'd come and see how you were getting on." The woman on the other side of the door said. 

 "I'm getting there, Linda. I'm getting there. Come one in my grandson just made a pot of tea." I watched my gran shuffle into the living room, an elderly woman trailing behind her. 

 "Oh sorry I didn't realized you had company." Linda stands in the door way. 

 "Oh don't worry, we'll go down to the beach for a bit, let you two talk."I stood up and smiled at my gran. 

 "Okay thanks love." She smiled as I took Ella's hand in mine.

 "See you in a bit gran." I say just before we exit the house and head off to the beach. 

 I think my gran was putting on a brave face back there, she was on the urge of crying, that's when I thought of leaving her with her friend, so they can talk and she can brake down with her. Cause I don't think my gran wants me or Ella to see her braking down right now. 

 Ella's P.O.V 

 It's so peaceful all I can hear is the waves crashing against the rocks and the shore line. Oh and I could hear Michael breathing. He had his head on my lap, as he lay on the bench of the gazebo. It was even prettier in daylight, white paint and the bright red roses on either side of the stairs. Then the bright blue color of the sea. 

 "I love this place." I broke the silence. We'd been sat here for about half an hour, not needing words. 

 "Me too, me and Roxanne always use to come down here when we visited my grandparents. She use to tell me about her troubles and I did the same. We always said that this was our secret place to tell each other anything no matter what." He smiled at the memory. 

 "That's so sweet." He laugh slightly. 

 "We could do the same you know." He now sat up and put his arm around my shoulder. "You can tell me if anythings bothering you." He pulled me closer to him. 

 "There's nothing bothering me, I'm happy." I smiled and looked into Michael's chocolate brown eyes. "What about you, anything bothering you?" 

 "Well the funerals next week... But other than that there's only really one thing that's bothering me." 

 "What's that then?" I sat up straighter wondering what was wrong. 

 He started lowering his head. I felt his lips on my ear.

 "I haven't had a kiss all day." He whispered, his breath tickling my skin. 

 "Well then you'll have to catch me." I whispered back before I started running out of our gazebo and down the beach. Since I was running on sand I couldn't tell how close Michael was. 

 A few seconds later his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to the floor. I landed on top of him, my long blond hair falling past my shoulders. His brown eyes looking at my blue ones the his gaze fell to my lips. 

 Before I knew it he flipped us over so I was now underneath him, his body pressed to mine, and he soon closed the gap by pressing his lips to mine. He broke away after a few seconds and whispered in my ear. "I'd always catch you." He then started to kiss my neck. 

 "Good. That's what I was hoping for." His lips then came back to my lips. As we kissed his fingers made patterns on the skin of my hips. 

 "Do you want to watch the sun set? It looks amazing here, I remember from when Roxanne was alive." All I did was nod in reply.

 "How long is it since you came down here, you know before you showed me?" I asked.

 "Just before Roxanne died, about two years ago now. My family use to say to keep this place to ourselves, and only show it to people we care about. I love you so I showed you." He pressed his lips to mine yet again before he sat up.

 He sat up, crossed legged, and placed me on his lap, my back against his chest, his chin leaning on my shoulder, my head resting against his head. 

 And that's how we watched the sunset. 

 Okay so it's only a short chapter but.. Oh well:) 

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