Chapter three

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I woke up later than usual today. The house was extremely quiet, and empty. I shrugged it off and went downstairs to make myself some cereal and watch TV. As I was about to open the fridge I saw a note, it read, "Jungkookie, I miss you so much, and I will never stop loving you.. Please take me back ~ Letty". I read the note and crumbled it up. I did feel really bad for letting Letty go like that but I just didn't have feelings for her. Every moment I shared with her I had Tae in my mind. I imagined his box smile and his adorable laugh every time I messed up an equation, or when I had a long day so he would cuddle up next to me and put on iron man so I felt better. I was smiling like an idiot thinking of him until I got a phone call. It was my bestfriend Sehun. Sehun goes to college so we really don't get to hang out much so every time he calls I get pretty excited. I answered the phone with enthusiasm, "WUS POPPIN, BOI". "AYE NOTHIN MUCH JK, dO YOU WANNA GET CRAZY TONIGHT?!". "oH MAN HOLY SHIT WOULD I!". We both laughed over the phone. Sehun replied, "Yehet! Come to this party at my college, it's gonna be awesome! Besides we might be getting some tonighhhht, are you still dating that one chick?!". "No, I'm not but I don't really wanna get back into dating yet.. Aren't you still flirting with Luhan? I thought you really like him". "Well, I do.. But he's out of town for the next week, he doesn't need to know about all this. Besides its not like me and him are married or anything". "Yikes fuckboy sehun strikes again". "You already know baby. I'll see you later, JK. I'll text you the addy right now, bye!". I nodded and hung up the phone even though he couldn't see me. 2 minutes after the call I got the text sehun was talking about. I opened it and noted the address. It looks so familiar, but where is it from? It's probably nothing. I continued making my cereal and plopped on the couch. I haven't been to a college party before so I was thinking of all the possible dangers of going of course. What if I drink too much and throw up on someone and they wanna fight me and then they do fight me and then I nearly die and then I go to the hospital and then I can't pay for the Medical bills and then I won't have money for food because it goes to all the bills and then I starve and then I die?! God I love anxiety. I decided to run a couple errands and then it's party time baby!

~ Skip to party ~

I may have had 4 too many shots. I was stumbling around and dancing like a maniac until I found sehun again making out with some slutty girl. "Hey sehun, w-when are you planning to go- go home?". Sehun pulled me aside, "jungkook don't be a cock block! I'm so close to getting laid, you can go hang out with my friends over there", he pointed to two boys that seemed to be in a relationship. I shrugged and walked over to them. "Hey! I'm jungkook, sehuns friend, he told me I can talk to you guys since I have no idea who any of these people are". The boys both laughed, the tall one spoke, "my name is Chanyeol, and this is my boyfriend baekhyun". The other boy smiled and waved and I did the same in return. Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun and whispered, then he turned to me. "So jungkook, do you have a partner? Also are you gay by any chance? How do you feel about adorable yet sexy boys?". "Uhhh. No, I'm bi, and I love them", I said trying to answer all questions. Chanyeol smiled widely, "Well today's your lucky day", he pushed me right into some dude! My vision was kinda blurry so I couldn't get a good look at him. I'm pretty sure the guy was drunk too by his facial expressions. He looked at me and smirked, "oh you're a cute one". He had a deep sexy voice. My face heated and I moved a single strand of hair out of my face, "Uhm thanks.. What's your name?". He lifted my chin up so my eyes met his and he said, "that's not important baby boy, you can call me daddy". He looked so familiar, where did I know him from?! "Uhm okay daddy", I hesitated but I said it because the dude is hot.. Or so I think.. I'm still pretty wasted. He whispered in my ear, "come with me", as he dragged me away out of the noisy scene and took me to his dorm. It didn't seem right but YOLO, am I right?!


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