Walking endlessly down the long corridor, I gasped as I stared at the clock which sat above an archaic statue reading three minutes to twelve.

My eyes darted across the empty hall, looking for anybody. My lips turned into a grin as I saw a mess of curls struggling with a plate full of glasses.

"Tallah!" I yelled, although my voice betrayed me with an evident strain, running towards her in my heels. Her frowned turned upside down as she looked up at me.

"Hey clumsy, woah," she gasped, chuckling before continuing, "you a bride to be?"

I smiled sadly, having too little energy to even match her jokey comment.

"Where are you rushing to? You look like you have just ran a marathon," she questioned, her eyebrows scrunching together.

"Dining room, where is it?" I huffed out, leaning my palm against the wall for support.

"Two lefts, walk through that long corridor, down the middle stairs and that big ole' door," she replied, balancing the plates on one hand while closing the room with another.

Smiling in appreciation and letting out a quiet "thank you," I began running down the corridor, praying not to trip and break my teeth due to the heels.

And soon enough, I was standing in front of a pair of beautiful, golden rimmed wooden doors. Two men stood at either side of them, barely giving me a spare glance whilst opening them, then closing them right behind my hesitant steps. As I looked up, a clock chimed, marking midnight.

Averting my eyes from the large clock, I stared in front of me. About ten feet away was a large, long table. Right in the middle, behind the dark oak and glass, stood no other but the devil himself.

Lucien Damantius.

"Look like you made in just about on time," he turned around as he spoke confidently, his authority clear and present. His voice was bone chilling, yet it carried intelligence and charisma, which I knew damn well was just covering the fact that he was a blood sucking psychopath. I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly closed it as last night replayed in my mind. He let out a smirk, satisfied with my silence. My glare was the only response.


Hesitantly, I made my way to the plush, golden chair and pull it out, which made a soft squeak against the dark marble floors. I sat down, biting my lip in pain as my bruises made connection with the chair.

He sat himself down, his eyes devoid of emotion as he stared at me.

My eyes glanced at the table in front of me. It was covered in different fruit and food. On a medium sized plate in front of me, a mouth watering steak was placed upon it, with over delicacies surrounding it. The whole meal was placed and prepared skilfully.

"Within the two days you have been here, I believe you have not been introduced to the rules that everyone swears to follow by," he paused, sipping suspicious thick liquid from a wine glass and having left over red stain on his lips which he erased with one lick, "eat."

I stared at him, a smirk placed upon his lips as he nodded his head towards my full plate. My hands shook as they neared and grasped the fork and knife. I held the knife against the piece of meat, and cut it. It was seasoned perfectly, thick and seared brown on the outside. The sight of it was mouth watering. I slowly put the small cut piece in my mouth, savouring the taste of this delicacy. My face however remained stoic.

"Shall we get to it then?" He stated, his 'question' sounding more like a demand rather than curiosity of my opinion, "rule number - fuck it, rules sound tacky."

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