"Stop in the name of the law!" Niall says. I run quicker, jumping over some blocks and I lose Niall.

"Ha! I'm free!" I say. I turn around and see Niall pouting a little. Guilt rises in me and I fake crash my car. "Oh no! Im stuck! The police are going to get me." Niall perks up immediately and runs over to me with his car.

"You are awested, mister!" He says. I smile proudly at myself. I look back at Harry and the other two. They're all watching with loving expressions. Harry seemed extremely proud of me. He stood up and lifted me from the ground.

"That was very sweet." He whispered to me. I smiled at that. I did good. "How about we all go for a swim now?" He offered to the rest of the men. Liam scooped up Niall and Zayn walked alongside them. We all walk to another part of the house I've never been to. The backyard. It was beautiful and large. At first it lead straight to the pool but behind that there was a garden and swings. I gasped and felt the excitement build up in my body. Niall was clearly excited too because he began squealing and reaching for the pool.

"Woah, slow down, buddy." Liam held onto him tighter. "We have get your floaties on."

"I wanna swim Daddy!" Niall chirped.

"You ready?" Harry asked me. I shrugged and he set me down on the warm pavement. Harry pulled off my shirt and grabbed two arm floats. I put my arms through. When I looked back at Niall he had no shirt, but insisted on keeping his hat. He had the donut float around his waist. He didn't hesitate to run into the water with Liam and Zayn following behind him with their shirts off. I stayed by Harry, to afraid to go into the water by myself.

See, I never really went to the pool or beach. Everytime I did something seemed to go wrong. Most of the time, I almost ended up drowning or injured. Maybe it will be different this time. Harry takes my hand and leads me to the steps of the pool. He takes the first step in, but I stay stuck on the edge.

"Come on, baby. You're so close." He encouraged.

"I-I cant." I whine. Harry turns to me completely and lifts me off my feet.

"Trust me." He says and he walks me down the steps. The water touches my legs and I let out cry. I try climbing up Harry more, but he holds me in place. "You're okay. Its just a little water. Daddy's got you." He sooths. I take a few deep breaths and bury my face into the crook of his neck. Harry rubbed my back snd continued to walk in more. The water was now up to my waist.

"I dont like it." I whimpered. Harry bends down a little and the water raises to my back. "No!" I cry.

"Loowee!" Niall calls for my attention. I raise my head and he waves twirls in his float. "Dont be scared!" He encourages. Liam and Zayn happily splash each other and Niall joins in. I lean back from Harry and look him in the eye.

"If I start drowning, you'll save me right?" I ask. Harry smiles and kisses my nose. I scrunch it up and wipe my nose.

"I wont let anything happen to you." He assures me. I let my feet touch the pool floor and stand with my arms holding onto Harry's waist. "There you go." He praises. He starts walking forward and I follow. We get to the the other three and I look up at Harry.

"I did it, Daddy!" I beamed getting a fuzzy feeling all over. A large smile formed on his face.

"You did! I'm so proud of my little baby!" He said and kissed my forehead. I let go of Harry and make my way to Niall.

"Look Niall! I'm swimming!" I say and jump up and down in the water.

"You did it Loowee!" Niall cheered. I giggled and we began to splash each other.

"Hey, are you splashing my baby?" Harry came up behind me. Niall giggled and nodded and splashed the both of us. "Its on, little man!" Harry lightly splashed Niall.

"Daddy! Papa! Help!" Niall said splashing us. I splashed with Harry and Liam and Zayn joined in.

"Retreat!" Harry said scooping me up and running back to the shallow part of the pool.

"Daddy! They're coming!" I squeal climbing out the pool. Harry follows me and we both go to an outdoor table with chairs.

"Darn, I knew I should've bought the super soakers." Harry said under his his breath. Zayn, Liam, and Niall walk over to us with big smiles.

"This was fun." Zayn says. "We should do more playdates."

"Can we?" Niall asked running into me and wrapping his arms around me. I embraced him back and looked to Harry.

"Please!" I said dragging out the word. Harry chuckled and nodded.

"Of course, my baby boy." Harry says.

"But it is time for us to go." Liam says. They put their shirts back on and we do the same. We walk the three men out and I wave goodbye to Niall. Harry shuts the door and its back to being just us.

"I think a certain little boy needs a bath." Harry says.

"I want to swim more." I pout.

"How about we get you in a bubble bath?" Harry offers. I think about for a second and nod.

After my long bubble bath, Harry dries me of and puts me in a fresh diaper. He slips me back into my Tigger onesie and sits me in the rocking chair.

"Can you wait here while Daddy gets your bottle?" Harry says. I nod and rock back and forth comfortably. My body felt so fuzzy and I felt so pleased. What was this?

Harry seemed to be taking a while and I got lost in my thoughts. How long have I been here? Stuck in this weird life? I couldn't stop myself today when I called Harry Daddy. Its like my mind was slipping into all this madness. Harry had taken me outside! I could've escaped and yet it hadn't even crossed my mind! I must be going crazy..

"What's wrong Lou?" Harry returned with a warm bottle of milk that I've come to enjoy. I shake my head and wipe away stray tears. Harry's eyes fill with sorrow and he lifts me onto his lap. We rock in the rocking chair and he runs his fingers through my hair. "You're going to be okay." He said and brought the bottle down to my lips. I willingly took it. As I finished the bottle my eyes drifted shut and I felt Harry lift me into my crib. "I love you Louis."


This one was cuuuute!!! Baby Niall is just so precious I cry!! And he even got Louis to slightly be in a headspace... :)

What did you guys think of the chapter?

I love you all!! See you soon Jellybeans!!

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