More Game Bangs!

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Noelle's POV

     "Follow me!" I said to Mason. "C'mon!" I said to Willow, Shawn, and Adam. I was at the top of the stairs and I looked back. All of them are so slow. But that's not Mason's fault. The rest of them are really slow though. When we got up there I sat down on my bed. We are gonna play Stranger Strings!" "How you play is we're gonna have Miya or Andrew or someone come up and one at a time we will tell them something about us. They will wright that down on a card and we will gather up the cards. Someone will then read the card and we spray silly string on them if we think its them. The person who guess' right the most will win! You will get 2 points for guessing who it is, and 1 for every person that didn't guess yours." "Makes sense." Adam said. "Now I will go get someone!" I went in my brothers room and it was only him and Edward. "What do ya want?" "Never mind!" I didn't want Edward to be alone. I looked around the house and finally found Miya. "Miya! Me and the gang are playing stranger strings, and we need someone to make the cards. Will you do it?" "Yes! I love stranger strings." She came up and I got the silly string cans.

     "Ok! We now have all the cards done! First card is 'I have never finished a game of Monopoly.'" I shook mine up. "I have two people but I don't know which one of you." "Ready...............GO!" Miya said. I sprayed Willow and so did Shawn. Adam and Mason were spraying each other. "I haven't even played Monopoly!" Mason said. "Oh. Was the card yours?" "No." Mason said. "Ok it was me." Willow said. "Yeah!" I yelled. "I knew it!" Shawn said and sprayed Willow more. "Hey! Stop it!" He finally stopped. "I haven't because you guys wanted to play but I just watched because I don't like Monopoly." Willow said. Willow read the next card. "I hate the color orange." This card was mine, but I decided to spray Adam. "Go!" Only Mason and Willow sprayed me. Shawn sprayed Mason and Adam sprayed Willow. "Its a me, MARIO!" I said. "CMON!" Adam yelled. We all laughed at him. "I don't like jolly ranchers." Its totally Mason. I'm sure all of us like Jolly Ranchers. Willow and I sprayed Mason, Adam and Shawn sprayed Willow, and Mason sprayed me. "SUCK ON THAT BISHES. IMMA WIN DIS!" Adam yelled. "What the heck Adam?! You don't like Jolly Ranchers?! I disown you." Shawn said. "I don't like them 'cuz they make my head hurt." "Still disowning you." Shawn said. "And I thought it was you, Willow, because you don't like starbursts or candy in general." She shrugged and we went to the next card.

     "If I could go anywhere, it would be to Disney World." Shawn read. It would either be me or Shawn, because we like Rollar Coasters the most, but since I know its not mine, its Shawn. Shawn and I sprayed each other, Mason and Adam sprayed me, and Willow sprayed Shawn. "Hello. Its me." Shawn started singing. "Yay!" Willow yelled. "Dang. I knew it was one of you two." Adam said pointing to me and Shawn. "Yeah, but I thought Shawn would add like, 'If I could go anywhere, it would be to Disney World, or anywhere away from all of you.' Or something like that." Mason said laughing. "Hey!" Shawn said but he was laughing too.

     "I am older than all of you." Its Mason. I know that they don't know his birthday, so they will probably pick Willow. I shook up my can. "GO!!!" Willow and I sprayed Mason, Mason, Adam, and Shawn sprayed Willow. "Is it me your lookin' forrrr?" Mason said.

     "I love baguettes." I laughed. I don't know who this is. "Why is this a thing?" Shawn said, joining my laughter. Willow and I sprayed Adam, Mason and Adam sprayed Shawn, and Shawn sprayed Mason. "Why is this a thing? Because I like baguettes." Shawn said. "Really?!" Me and Willow said together.

     "I have the best eyes in this room." Its surprisingly not me. I know whoever did it wants them to think its me. "G....GO!" Everyone sprayed me and I sprayed Adam. "Its not me." "Yes it is!" Shawn said. "Oh wait, its not! She always tells me she hates her eyes. Dang it!" Mason said. "HAHAHAHAHAHA." Adam said. "Yay! I got it on a random guess!" I said, even though he still got a lot of points.

     "I like glasses." This one is me. Considering I'm the only one in the room with glasses, they might not think it's me because I complain about them all the time. Willow, Mason, and Shawn all sprayed me, I sprayed Mason, and Adam sprayed Willow. "It is me." "That's not surprising." Willow said. "Even though I do like glasses, sorry Adam." Adam looked a Willow and sighed.

We went through the rest of the cards and the scores were as followed.






     We had the last card left. Since Shawn got three, and he was the only one, Miya did a random number for each person, so we have no idea who this is.

     "I have been in the hospital from 0 and 1 times." Mason and I have been once, and Willow has been zero. I decided to spray Mason. Shawn and I sprayed Mason, Willow and Adam sprayed me, and Mason sprayed Willow. "That was mine!" He said. "Yay!" I said. "Who wins?" Willow asked Miya. "The scores in no particular order are, Mason-13, Willow-12, Adam-13, Shawn-14," "SUCK IT ADAM!" Shawn said. "and Noelle-15." "SUCK IT SHAWN!" I yelled, mimicking him. "Dang it!" He said. "The bottom three are Mason, Adam, and Willow, so you guys get to do a punishment!" I said. "That's what you get for making us eat spicy snow cones Willow!" Adam said.

Willow's POV

     "Your punishment is....." Shawn started. I looked at him sadly. I don't want to do something really bad. ".....going to be decided right now." He said smiling evilly. He ran downstairs with Noelle. "They're probably getting Lasercorn, because he comes up with the best punishments." I said to Mason.

Shawn's POV

Me and Noelle went to get Lasercorn to do a punishment. I asked, "What should we do as a punishment for the guys?" "Well it can't be anything running, because of Mason, so I say eating a handful of jelly beans, or," "Ooh. Defiantly the Jelly beans. Thanks L!" He nodded and smiled his evil smile. Noelle grabbed the jelly beans and I went up. "Your punishment is................." Willow looked at to me with her big chocolate eyes. I started feeling really bad. Its fine, its not that bad. I thought. "Eating a hand of Bean Boozled beans: The Ultimate Pack." This pack has all the bad and good flavors that they have ever made. Its gonna be fun.

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