Miya nodded, and the two walked into the room, stepping over the mix of red and black rose petals.

Himiko walked up to Kyoya's table, seeing that he was actually flirting with the girls. He was leaning back on the couch casually, a fake smile on his face. Of course, the girls who was talking to didn't notice it, instead, they were all falling for it.

Himiko sat down on the end, seeing that there was an empty space for her.

"Oh, Miss Setsushi. Pleasure that you could join us today." He said softly, the fake smile on his face still.

Himiko just dipped her head slightly, "Yes. It seemed interesting." She said flatly.

"Well, I hope you end up wanting more after you leave." He said smoothly.

Himiko had to fight back a laugh, never in her year and a half of attending this school had she ever thought of Kyoya being this smooth. Instead of staying emotionless, she let a small amount of herself show. She smirked, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Well then, you'll just have to make sure of that, now, won't you?" She said, letting a small amount of playfulness seep into her voice.

Kyoya's smile faltered, his eyes widening slightly. Though almost as fast as he lost composure, he gained it again, adjusting his glasses. "Well, the I'll be sure to do just that." He said slyly.

Himiko felt someone's eyes on her and she turned her head slightly, seeing the girl sitting next to her glaring at her with narrowed eyes.

Himiko put her emotionless act up again, all hints of herself vanishing underneath the mask. "Sorry, was that out of turn?" She asked, looking directly at the girl. Her gaze challenging.

The girl tensed up slightly, didn't respond and turned back to Kyoya, asking him some questions.

Soon, Host Club hours had ended, and the girls started to leave, Himiko took a longer time to leave, carefully investigating anywhere a hired assassin would hide. She spotted both Kimi and Rin watching through the vents, and she nodded slowly at each of them, then she left the room, stopping once the doors were closed. She stood to the side of them, listening to the muffled chatter inside while watching for any suspicious activity.

After a while, the doors opened and Himiko looked over seeing some of the hosts walk out, talking excitedly. Luckily, none of them noticed as Himiko slipped in, seeing Kyoya on his laptop, sitting in front of the window.

"Considering the situation you're in right now, sitting in front of the window isn't the smartest idea." She said blandly, making eye contact with him.

"I assume you were waiting for the others to leave?" He asked.

"You wouldn't want them to worry about you, right?" Himiko asked, tilting her head slightly. "I don't think any of them would take the news that calmly. Especially Souh."

Kyoya closed his laptop and sighed, standing up. "I guess you're right, Miss Setsushi."

Himiko nodded. "Rin, Kimi, you two can come out now." She said, turning around.

Two vent covers fell to the ground and the two teens got out of the vent systems, Kimi brushing off her dress and Rin adjusting his tie. Both of them had speaks of dust on their faces.

"Were you two watching the whole time?" Kyoya asked, his tone sounding slightly annoyed.

"We have to have full surveillance on you at all times." Rin said, walking up to stand beside Himiko.

"If we don't and you end up dead, we fail our job!" Kimi exclaimed, "And I wouldn't want to ruin my perfect record!"

Himiko turned back around and looked at him calmly. "No matter what, we are your body guards, we're here to protect you until this is all over."

Kyoya didn't say anything, he just walked past them and headed out the door.

The three glanced at each other, then they each followed behind him, keeping slight distance, until they got to the limo, getting in, they sat silently as it started to make it's way back to the house.

Today was uneventful. Himiko thought as she rested her head back.

A Thorn on a Rose (OHSHC) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now