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Hello there my wolfies and kittens! so i have some news only two so sit down and relax!

So i have a good news and a bad news but first of all thank you guys for the support you guys have given me i really appreciate anyways on wih the news the good news is thaaat im making a Lunar x Ein book emerald secret! yayyy well sorry if it isnt that exiting hehe but anyways now to the bad news.....this book will end soon but i have other good news! after this book ends ill make the 2 book!!!!!!! Mystreet starlight edition yaaaay!!! so dont worry! hehe anyways guys i have another good news! i started a survival serious in my channel 'Princess Lunar Chan' Im gonna put the first vid here so you can watch it if you want (i was bored btw so I was talking weiiiiird in a way)

yep there it is! today im making the second episode!!!!!!!!!!!!😄😄😄😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 anyways hope you have a wonderful day/afternoon/night i love you all so much and yeah byeeeeee~😘

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