Moon and the Moon-Tsun Part 2 [MingKit]

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A few days later

There were LINE notifications greeting me first thing in the morning, all of them were from him.

M: Good morning KitKat

M: Did you sleep well?

M: I'll be courting you again today

The hell, this looked more like terrorizing than showing affection. I shook my head as I texted a reply to him.

K: Please don't

As usual, it didn't take him long to send another message.

M: I'm in front of your door

Shit, no. I quickly dashed towards the door. He's kidding, he must be kidding me. I opened the door, he was really there. Just before he could get in I quickly closed it. Sadly, he beat me, he forced the door open and let himself in.He looked around and smiled as he enjoyed himself.

"How the fuck did you know where my room was?"

"From your friend who is currently dating my friend."

"Shit, that Pha." I growled.

Ming sat on the edge of my bed and looked at me. "Your room feels so comfy, maybe I should sleep here tonight" he said with a wide grin.

"I'll never let you."

"Aww" he pouted, "Don't you feel alone? Don't you want a companion?"

"I think alone is better than waking up with you next to me," I said.

He let out a chuckle as he stood up and went back looking around my room. After walking around for a little while his eyes brightened and he grinned almost as big a cheshire cat. "P'Kit." he said, I looked at him and quirked an eyebrow. "The college moon sash I got for you, did you purposely put it on your desk so you could always think of me whenever you study?"

"So much confidence.." I said, "I put it there so it'd be easier to find whenever you come over to get it."

"Make sense."

"Did you come here for the sash?" I asked, "If you are then go ahead take it and leave."


"Then what are you doing here? Don't you have classes?"

He shook his head. "No class for today and I surely know that you're also free."

I rolled my eyes. "Let me guess, from Ai'Pha too?" I said.

"P'Beam actually" he said while walking towards me, "Anyways P, why don't we go out just the two of us today?"

"Hell no!"

"Come on P, please?" He begged. "Please? Please?"

The more I ignored him the more he kept repeating the word 'please'. I shot him an annoyed look. So persistent, knowing him he probably won't stop until I give in and say 'yes'.

"Fine then." When I said that, Mingkwan immediately smiled, does it make him that happy when I go along  with what he wants? I groaned as I walked to my wardrobe and took out some clothes. "Just give me a few minutes to get ready."

"Where are we going?" I asked Ai'Ming, we were in his car and already on the road but the guy still hasn't told me where he was going to take me.

"Just a place where we could spend time together," he replied.

"Yeah, what's the name of the place though?" I asked again.

"You'll know soon enough."

I sighed as I looked out the window, we've already been driving for almost an hour now, just where is he taking me? My phone suddenly lit up and rang, there was a LINE notification from Ai'Beam.

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