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my motivation: hi
me: oh cool!
my motivation: Never mind I gotta go. See you in over a month!

If you're reading this thanks for being patient with me!  I had to wake up at 4:30AM today to catch a plane and I'm so tired.


Yeah, Christine would like it. A cute guy in cool clothes. She would be blind not to. But, I liked it too. I liked it a lot. I didn't want to like it. This was not my Jeremy. My Jeremy didn't even know where to buy clothes. He wore two different shoes most days. I like that Jeremy better than cool Jeremy. My Jeremy was never mine in the first place, but somehow he was more mine than cool Jeremy could ever be.

I was jealous and in love with the idiot. Of course, it would be impossible for him to notice. Was I going to tell him? Absolutely not. He had his heart set on his precious Christine. So, I walked with him to school, a smile plastered on my face, and my secrets eating me up on the inside.

Jeremy paused outside the school door. "Do I look okay?"

I rolled my eyes. "You always look okay...bro."

"Stop being so scared and go get your girl." I nudged him forward.


He looked giddy and excited, though nervous. "Okay! I will! Thanks, Michael!"

I watched him dissapear inside the school, and then I sat on a nearby bench and pulled out a certain plastic bag, so I wouldn't have to think anymore.


I didn't have time to take a single step, before Squip appeared in front of me.  "Where do you think you're going?"

"To talk to Christine?" I squeaked.

Squip walked around me in a full circle.  He finally stopped in front of me and tapped his chin thoughtfully.  "Take off your backpack."

"W-what? I-"

"Take off your backpack and give it to me.  They're clear instructions, Jeremy," Squip insisted.

I shrugged my backpack off, but my arm got caught in one of the straps.  I wrestled with it for a bit, the whole time with Squip staring at me, looking unimpressed.  The bag finally came loose and hit the floor with a thud.

"You are the epitome of grace," Squip deadpanned.

"Well, I don't have to be graceful.  I have to be cool," I snapped.

Squip regarded me for a moment.  "Loosen up."

I couldn't take it anymore.  "Are you seriously telling me to be more chill?! You're the one who freaked out over a dollar!"

"Physically.  Loosen up physically."


"Why are your shoulders so stiff?" Squip poked me.

"Ow!" I rubbed my shoulder.

"This is odd!" Squip exclaimed.

"What?!" I panicked, thinking I had some crazy zombie infection on me.

"Your arms are noodles, with little to no muscle, yet so stiff."

"Hey!" I protested.  "I didn't pay you hundreds of dollars for you to criticize my insecurities!"

"Roll your shoulders back and stand up straighter," he advised.

I did as he said.

Squip sighed.  "I guess that'll do."

Player Three (Boyf Riends)Where stories live. Discover now