As you finally arrive at the gym, getting the same pain only seventeen more times on the way, you see many boys practicing ambitiously. "Kiyoko-san!" Yachi exclaims, leaving you immediately as soon as she spots the black-haired beauty. Now you stand alone awkwardly, so you decide to observe the boys.

A particular duo immediately catches your eyes. Kageyama and Hinata from the classrooms next to yours. You haven't seen them hanging around each other during school time, so it's quite surprising to see them together now. "Hinata, you dumbass, concentrate!" Kageyama exclaims, leaving you in awe. The boy who usually wears the same tired expression at all times is now in rage and very stubborn-looking. "Dammit, this time I will make it!" Hinata shouts, the frustration burning in his eyes. The person who always seems so goofy is now showing seriousness and you have to admit that you somehow feel attracted to it.

Realising your thoughts, you slap yourself embarrassedly. You then get startled when you hear a groan along with the smack. "Ouch, ouch, ouch, my cheek!" Hinata exclaims as he stops running to spike Kageyama's toss which leads to the tossed ball falling onto Hinata's head. As you watch the ball hitting Hinata's head, you feel as though it hit you instead.

Your eyes widen, your heartbeat fastens, and you feel as though time slowed down as you realise something. "Why'd you stop, you dumbass?!" Kageyama yells yet again. "My soulmate got slapped!" Hinata defends himself as he holds his red cheek.

Not believing your own theory, you slap yourself again. "OUCH! IS SHE HAVING A FIGHT OR SOMETHING?!" Hinata yells as he falls down and rolls on the floor. "It can't be..." You mutter to yourself as you try to calm down. The guy who seems to always goof around when you see him is supposedly your soulmate? You have always thought of him as an idiot with whom you never wanted to hang out with. When you heard his name only negative thoughts came into mind, so why does your heart beat so fast when you think of him as your soulmate?

"Gah, anyway, Kageyama, let's try again!" Hinata shouts as he points to Kageyama with his left hand and holds his cheek with his right hand. Kageyama sighs and passes him the ball which he then throws back to Kageyama. The ball gets tossed to Hinata who is running towards the net, Hinata jumps, and spikes the ball. During the whole process your eyes don't dare to leave Hinata's serious and even intimidating expression. He finally lands and then celebrates in glee. This reminds you of yourself when you study hard for a test and then ace it.

"Oh, look, it's (Y/N)-san!" One of the club members, Tanaka, points out loudly, smirking at Hinata whose face now burns up. "(Y-(Y-(Y-(Y-(Y-(Y/N)-san!!!" Hinata stutters almost incomprehensibly. Tanaka now approaches me along with Nishinoya. "What brings you here?" Nishinoya asks as he and Tanaka grin at Hinata. "Yachi and I finished cram school for today. She wanted to check up on you, so I tagged along." You answer while curiously glancing to Hinata. "You finished this early?" Daichi, the captain of the team who now also approached me, asks. "Yachi's class finished earlier and I was told to leave because of SP." You explain.

Yachi always proudly tells you about the club, so it's only natural for you to know everything about them, including their names. She desperately wants you to join as a co-manager too which means she never leaves out any detail about the club in order to prepare you for the position.

"You had to leave because of SP? Was it that bad?" Daichi questions concerned. "Yeah, that idiot must have slammed his head against some rocks or something like that. To make it worse, he did that like 24, no, 25 times." You answer, not wanting to tell them that it felt like a ball hitting you because they might suspect you being Hinata's soulmate. "Sounds like Hinata." Tanaka jokes and pats Hinata's back a few times rather hardly, making you flinch. "M-M-M-e? Soulm-m-m-m-ates with (Y-(Y-(Y-(Y-(Y-Y/N)-san?????" Hinata stutters yet again. "Did you just flinch when Tanaka smacked Hinata's back?" Daichi asks while pointing to you and then to Hinata. "A-Ah, my back hurts because I've been sitting so much lately, hahahaha." You lie nervously, avoiding all eye contact.

"Really? Because-" Daichi begins to suspect, so you cut him off by yelling: "YACHI ARE YOU DONE YET?" Your eyes scan for Yachi who seems to be in a deep conversation with Kiyoko, meaning your only hope is gone. "I suddenly remembered that it's my.....hamster's....birthday. I'm taking my leave then." You get ready to leave but suddenly stumble over a volleyball, falling onto the ground.

"Ouch!" Hinata yells, making you curse yourself for your clumsiness. "Ouch?" Hinata then questions as you slowly stand up and look at him. He seems to be deep in thought as he stopped blushing and now wears a puzzled expression. Suddenly, his face flashes an even brighter red than before as though he realised something.

"KAGEYAMA! Punch me!" Hinata commands eagerly. "NO!" You yell scared. "NO, don't punch me!" Hinata corrects himself. "Which is it?" Kageyama inquires annoyed. You feel your face heat up embarrassed.

Hinata now realised that you're both soulmates, you know for sure. What are you supposed to do now, you wonder. You didn't want him to realise so soon since you wanted to process this whole matter first before then approaching it. But now all of it isn't possible anymore and you are forced to deal with it right now.

"You two are really soulmates?" Daichi asks, making you glare at him. "How long did you know?" He looks at you curiously just like the others. "I-I don't know what you mean." You lie. Tanaka now slams his hand onto Hinata's back once more, yet again making you flinch. "Ow! Will you stop it?" You yell at him angrily. "So you ARE his soulmate!" Tanaka points out. "You were keeping it a secret?" Hinata now asks in a sad tone. Taking a glance at him, you spot his disappointed expression which makes you feel guilty. "I figured out today. I wanted to think about it before telling you. It's not like I didn't want you to know." You explain guilty.

"Hinata, I think you have practiced enough for today. Go home with (Y/N) and have a talk." Daichi tells him with a sigh. "Everyone else get back to practice!"

Shortly after he is told that, you and Hinata are outside, walking next to each other in silence. "I'm sorry you have to retake a test because of me." Hinata is the first to break the silence. His voice sounds very guilty and ashamed of himself, so you let out a sigh. "Don't feel guilty. It's not like you did it on purpose." You mumble while hugging yourself.

"Y-Y-Y-You know, about the s-s-s-s-soulmate thing." Hinata speaks up, blushing again. "It's okay if y-y-you don't want to." You look down at his fumbling hands and notice his nervousness. "Hinata. It's not like I don't want to. just came out of a sudden and I don't know if I'm ready for it." You explain.

"I-I-It's okay if you don't like me." Hinata stutters, completely ignoring what I just said. "Idiot, it's not like I don't like you. I already am interested in you and I...I want to be completely in love before beginning a relationship with you!" You suddenly burst out, blurting out something embarrassing.

Hinata lets out incomprehensible squealing as he explodes into a flustered mess. "I-I-I HAVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU FOR A LONG TIME!" He yells loudly, his body all stiffened up. "H-Hinata, people are watching." You utter embarrassed. "I WILL TRY MY BEST AS A SOULMATE! I WON'T GET HURT ANYMORE! I WILL WRAP MYSELF IN BUBBLE WRAP! I-" Hinata begins to get nervous by all the pressure he's putting onto himself, so you cut him off by laughing: "Hinata, it's okay."

"Somehow I'm relieved that you're my soulmate. Even though you're an idiot." You state while smiling. "I'm happy to hear tha- wait, an idiot?" Hinata inquires, making you chuckle again.

.~. Bonus Scene .~.

"By the way, (Y/N)-san. I seem to have stomach-aches every month or so and I always feel like dying. Have you gone to the doctor to get this checked? I don't think that's normal."

"Hinata, uhm, that's..." You sigh.

Back again with another soulmate au! I wrote this at work, so sorry if it's really shitty.

Leave suggestions for other soulmate aus! I always like to take in yours!

-jyanee =^.^=

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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