“It’s okay Destiny, we haven't date in a while, I hope he protects you,” and not me, I wanted to say. “How old was this BioSwap?”

She waved her hand in the air, “Some older guy I guess.”

What a liar, those guards did lie for him and for what? He killed an innocent boy and everything thinks he’s some hero. I rushed passed all the students in the hall, Destiny was yelling for me but I didn’t want to hear it. I can feel the tears in my eyes wanting to come out and I don’t need anybody questioning me.

Throughout the day Destiny let my little episode pass by saying that it’ normal and I’m not the only one who is feeling like this. “One day this world will be rid of BioSwap and all will be safe.” I didn't believe those words, not after seeing what they did them, what they did to Sean. I haven't seen that guy again and i don't bother to ask around either. It was best I didn't see him anyways, there was something about him and I didn't want to find out.

After school I stepped out into the damp moist air, it was going to rain soon and I was hoping I would get caught in it. Destiny stopped me before I could take a step, “hey wanna ride?”

I looked down the street to her shiny new red convertible and I shook my head, “it’s okay, I want to walk today.”

She looked at me confused, we always rode together. I know she is trying to figure out what is wrong with me but she’s blind to everything around her. Unless its a hot guy, then everything is just a brush with her hand.

She push a piece of her blonde locks behind her ear, “Okay,” she shrugged, “well call me.” She leaned in kissing my cheeks and joined some new girls I’ve never seen by her car.

Looking around I am in shock. While in school I didn’t see any weird color like the one that guy had, but outside I can see at least a handful of people. I need to get out of here and I did making my legs speed walk pass the auras and weird looks. Once away and in the safety of silence I took a release breath...What is wrong with me? I bend my knees and press my hand against them as I continue to breath. Once I felt a bit better I lift my head and to my surprise someone was standing face to face with me.

It was a guy, he had to be at least six-foot maybe even taller. His body was broad like he could pick up a dump truck or something. His jaw was sharp and angled as he glared at me. his eyes which were a jaded green suddenly turned white as soon as he blinked and I knew he was a BioSwap. But he wasn’t like Sean earlier, he didn’t seem gentle and scared, this guy was seeking blood and I can’t help but think he wanted mines.

Picking my back pack from the ground I swing it over my shoulder and slowly back up as he stays in place never taking his eyes away from me. I put my hands up, “I’m just going to go now, I won’t tell anybody.”

I know that's a fear for the BioSwaps, to be taken away by the government again and be put under experiments. One foot after another backs up but as soon as I turn around he is right there. I looked behind me to where he stood two seconds before and back to where he is now. My heart rate picks up, but it’s not a normal Thump-Thump but more of the flapping to a hummingbird's wing. A seer of pain rips through me but fear has a stronger hold. I want to run but if I do I don’t doubt that he will be faster than me seeing that the moved like the speed of light to where I was.

“You think you could just get away with everything right?”

What is he talking about? “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He moved closer to me making me back up until my back was against a wall and I realized that I couldn’t go anywhere. He pressed his large bear paws on each side of my face trapping me from any thought I had about fleeing.

he leaned in close, eyeing flashing with anger behind the whites, “You know what I’m talking about. And just like he did to us I’ll do to him.”


“I really don’t know who your talking about.”

He slammed his hands on the walls and I can hear the crunch of breaking bricks. I shut my eyes hard in hoping that he will disappear and just leave me alone. I never thought that when I woke up this morning this would be my day.

“It won’t hurt, I’ll do it fast do you don’t suffer.”

I open my eyes at his words and I see him pulling back. What does he mean not suffer? What is he thinking? He put his hands up and suddenly that pain came back bring me to my knees, they collide with the cement floor. I clenched at my chest feeling this burn wanting to rip my clothes off. I lift my head up but it dangles to the side as I watch his hands swirl in an eight figure.

“Don’t be weak now.” He shouted against the friction between his fingers.

He wanted to hurt me and I couldn’t move because I was in pain. Every time I closed my eyes I saw fire red behind my lids...What’s wrong? I’m on the verge of collapsing and anticipating what he plans to do. With one palm pressed on the ground and the other on my heart I try to push myself up but out of nowhere I feel this force. It connects with my hand over my heart and goes right through me. The feeling is like an electrical zap, I can feel the tingles all over my body starting from my chest spreading like wildfire. The pain, the fear, everything takes over my body.

Then it stops.

I drop to the floor, the cold pebbles on the floor presses against my hot cheeks. My hummingbird's wing slows down and I can’t help but rub some pebbles underneath my fingertips as my eyes flutter. Looking ahead I see two figures but the blurriness in my eyes makes it difficult to see what's going on.

“Hey!” I hear shouting from somewhere, then, “BIOSWAPS!”

Oh no, it must be the guards they must have seen the spark that that guy made when he hit me. But I can’t move and when they see me I’ll be doomed. Why does this keep happening to me? I want to get up, I want to push my body up and run...but I can’t move my body only my fingertips. Come on Adara...but it doesn't matter how many times I say that to myself I can’t do anything and I know they are coming soon.

“I’ll be back for you.” The guy who did this to me says and I can only assume that he runs off.

But that figure that was with him is now hovering over me. “Get away,” I try saying but its just a rasp.

Hands move under my knees and the other under my neck. I am lifted up but as much as I want to jump off of this person I can’t as my head involuntarily hangs back peering into the grey clouds. We are moving so fast, I can barely register anything and the swirl in my head takes me into an abyss after I feel the one single drop of rain on my forehead.

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