Chapter 18

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After that banquet, it seemed things change for Beam. Not that it's a bad thing but definitely different. He catched a glimpse about what Prink tried to offer to him but with bigger risk than he felt comfortable to handle.

Being with Forth were.. easy. If Beam had to pick a word for his patron, it will be gentleman. He treated Beam with respect and didn't mind if Beam sometimes slightly shy or childish. To simply put, Forth took a good care of him. Not even once Beam felt forced to do something or afraid around him. It's a good thing.

He remembered whan Pha and Kit went rapid fire to him when he chose to take this opportunity but now? He didn't feel any remorse about it. At all.


As a medical student, Beam already prepared for a lot of studying in his not so far future. What he mean with a lot, it is a LOT.

Beam rolled into his new timetable busy and overwhelmed. The material got more complicated, the labworks became longer and the test.. oh he didn't want to think about the test. It's still amazed him how he and Kit could pull it off even with Pha tutored them oftenly. Thank God there were days called weekend in this world.

Things got complicated since the day Kit introduced him to the new moon from Science faculty. The moment he saw the kid's face, Beam already knew that Pha were in deep shit. For someone so smart, he couldn't understand how his bestfriend could be so slow.

This is why being Pha's bestfriend were troublesome sometimes.

Pha, being the most popular guy at Campus, were a people magnet. And his best friend being so aloof about it were sometimes funny but more often were not. When Beam and Kit accompanied Pha to foresee the star moon candidate practice yesterday, Beam almost swallowed his tounge when he saw Wayo.

Kit introduced them (as if Beam didn't recognize his junior) and almost slapped his forehead when Beam realized that Pha indeed didn't recognize Wayo. How could someone so smart could be so stupid?

"Ai Kitty, what the hell is wrong with Ai Pha? How come he didn't recognize N'Wayo? He got, like, a huge HUGE crush at that kid in high school, right? I don't understand this!"

Kit only snickered hearing his words.

"Well, it seemed we had a bull for a best friend."

Beam only hufted when he realized that somewhat, Kit were right. When it came to love, Pha weren't the brightest crayon on the pack. Beam tried to remember if Pha had said something about Wayo (or Yo, now?). Surprisingly, Beam only remembered Pha complained that a shorty Moon from Science Faculty were being cocky and indifferent around him.

Guess who that shorty were. Yes, ring that bell, people.

No wonder Kit liked the kid so much. They used to check on Yo on Pha's behalf in the past (not that their junior knew about it). Sure, Yo were more than good looking right now. Gone were the glasses and braces. Yo must be worked extra hard to loose his pimples and tone out his body. Interestingly, his charms as a cute boy seemed double in recent year.

If he could manhandled Pha, Beam would really like to tie him and slapped him for being stupidly slow and ignorant. Especially when Pha used Prink unconciously as divertion. Which Beam didn't recommend at all.

Way to go to send mixed signals.

Beam could say he admire N'Yo's resilience. Even when Pha quarelled with him, being rude to him, not even once he cried (as far as he knew) and Yo hold himself proud. Beam could respect someone like that. Yo's spine must be infused with steel to not cower in front of a hostile Pha.

At 190cm, Pha's looming figure and handsome face tended to attract people. Not to mention his ability to protect himself. Beam already lost count how many times people challanged Pha to a fight when they were younger.

Beam sighed. He really wanted Pha to be with N'Yo. Because he teased Pha so much in high school (he were stupid, alright?), Beam accidentally ripped the chance for Yo and Pha to be an item.

He still remembered how Pha running around their school looking for Yo while holding a small yellow card. And they missed each other because that's the last day of school and the last day of them being high school student.

Then shit happened.

So yeah, if he could, Beam would like to play cupid for them. Only to make two person happier than ever.

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