Chapter 1

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People said that desperate needs call for desperate measures.

Beam counted his saving and worried his lips. It's not much but at least he won't be worried about how to pay tuition. His full pledge medical scholarship cover his four years tuition but that's it. He still have to work to buy food and pay for utilities. He could ask Pha to lend him some money but again? For the tenth time? Beam didn't want to be seen as someone who leeched from his friend. Pha knows he is not; he knows he is not, but his dignity starting to hurt.

Being poor sucks big time.

Beam heard door's opening, means Kit is back. Kit and his family welcomed him at their home and their heart. Being orphaned at 18 is shocking and he's not ready. Nobody shall be ready being orphaned.

God, he missed his parents so much.

That airplane crash was the biggest air plane accidents in ten years. When he chose to stay home to study, he never knew that's the last time he will see his parents. He was sleepy when the news was broadcasted on TV. And since that day, his life was never been the same.

"Ai Beam, the rice is on sale! The scallion just came so I purchased alot. We do have eggs right? Let's make scallion pancakes."

Kit's words fading as he walked inside their apartment. Beam put away his paper and walked to the kitchen.

For a short guy, Kit had a big presence. He's cheerful, loud, stubborn and had the biggest heart Beam ever knew. As a fellow student, he's diligent and hard-working. Alongside Pha, or Phana, they made a mixed trio that works just fine.

"Hey, what's up with the long face? Are you hungry already? Let's cook then."

"Hungry my ass, Ai Kitty. No, I'm fine. It's just the number in my bank account made me wanna cry."

Beam's joke made Kit snapped his mouth shut. He knew how hard it is to work and to study in the same time. Beam already worked as tutor for several kids and taking part-time as waiter in a cafe near their campus. Somehow he still managed to attend the class, do lab works and doing quite well in exam.

And sometimes, he does collapsed. Kit already lost count how many times Beam became's his and Pha practice patient. It won't do if the doctor that supposed to heal people became the one who's sick.

"Don't worry na, Beam. I'll keep feeding you and allowing you to stay in my humble apartement as long as you cook! You'll get your salary this saturday right? Cheer up!" Kit slapped his shoulder several times.

Beam put a small smile. Yeah, it's true that he will get his salary this saturday but he will use big portion of it to pay his debt to Pha and for his study material so almost all of it will be used. But used in a good way.

"Oh yeah, I met Prink when I buy the rice. She said she emailed something to you. Why didn't you check it? Maybe it's a part-time opportunity with salary big enough to fill your bank account."

"Oh really? That's rare that she emailed me. Prink usually focused on Pha 24/7. Maybe it's indeed something good."

Well, Beam is not wrong but not quite right about that.

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