"She the death of all good things. I hate her. I wish I never met her." Melody says stepping on the gas 240, 250, 260, 270. I knew I should had driven. Fuck. I'm going to die.
"Babe. You need to listen to my voice. Listen to me. And understand that you are the only you. Yes, Emily may have tricked Alex," she steps on the gas harder when I say that, "but she can never trick me." She slows down the car and pulls over.
"We need to change into this." She says pulling a bag a clothes from the back. What the fuck. That's all this bitch got to say.
"You have to change into this. After you promise to never leave me." Melody says pulling out a pair of high rise light blue jeans and see threw shirt.
"I promise, I will never leave you. Now why do I have to wear this?"
"Cuz we going to the F gang warehouse. We have to look like a hoe to get pass the gates. If we look like ourself, they'll kill us." Melody says changing into a crop top and booty shorts.
"Babe, once were in what we going to do?"
"We going to the leader and we going to make a deal."
"What if he doesn't except it?"
"Trust me he will." She says starting to drive off again. I close my eyes and start wondering what this bitch going to do.

"Babe, you need to wake up we are here." Melody says shaking the fuck out of me. Shit. I fell asleep.
"Where are we?" I ask looking around for a street sign. I see one but it's really far. It starts with Par. I can't really see the rest. Fucken shit.
"We at the warehouse." She says to me with a 'bitch I told you this' look. She pulls up into the drive way. They won't believe we are hoes in the car we driving in. This bitch is dumb to grab a nice ass car. I'm going to die. Ahhhhh. But at least I'm dying with Melody. Ahhhhhh. Not helping. I always thought we would die together cuz I did something stupid not her. Ahhhhhhhh. The guy taps on the window.
"Names and business." The guy says.
"Ruby and Rose." Melody says giving him some fake ids. Where the hell? Where did she get those from? He analyze them and nods his head.
"Business." He says handing back the ids.
"The new shipment. Of girls." Melody says.
He nods his head and opens the gate. How the fuck did she know this? She rolls up the window and pulls in.
"How?" I ask her.
"I heard a guy tell Sharky on the phone that there was a new shipment coming in tonight. If it wasn't done before the shipment comes he would start. That's all I heard but I know he meant he would start hurting the little girl. Which is why we came when the shipment was supposed to come. You see we are going to distract him." Melody says parking.
Wow. This bitch is smart. She thinks everything through. Unlike me at times. She puts on some lip gloss and hands it to me, when she is done. She gets off the car and goes to the truck. She pulls out two pairs of high heels. They're both the same. She opens my door and hand me the heels. Let's hope if we have to run I can run in them.

"Promise me. That you'll do whatever I say once see get in." She says to me looking in my eye. I nod my head.
"If I tell you to run take off the heels and run to the car. Here." She says handing me the keys. I nod my head.
We start walking towards the warehouse entrance. It's almost the same as her dad warehouse, the only difference is that I can hear a lot of moan in from upstairs and it smells like alcohol. Melody starts to walk down a long hall. No one is guarding the door, which is strange. Melody opens it and I see him. What the hell is he doing here? I can't. I don't understand. I can't believe it. No it's all wrong. This can't be. I'm not.

Melody POV

What the fuck. I was not expecting the guy to look like... like. The same way I remember him. I freeze up a little. Angie looks like she already froze up. I start to walk in the office. He's staring at Angie like he can't believe she standing there. What the hell? They...they--they look exactly alike.
"Angie?" The F gang leader says.
"Dad?" She says barley making.
"Wait, your his daughter." I say. Pointing at the guy and back at Angie. Angie was born into the F gang while I was born into the C gang. We were supposed to be rivals, enemies, but we are best friends.
"Mija, are you a whore?" He asks her. She shakes her head. She mad cuz he called her mija as if he was there.
"We are not whores. I'm here on business." I say stepping up.
"And what can I do for you?" He says gesturing us to sit down. I look at him in his eyes. He doesn't remember me.
"I need you to let the little girl you're holding hostage go." I say, looking into his eyes. He looks confused but only for a second and as if he connected the dots he says, "the daughter of my enemy hands herself for a girl she doesn't know."

Yup. He remembers now.
"I'm here for a deal, the girls freedom for my capture." I say to him.
"What Mel, no. I won't let you." Angie says grabbing my arm.
"My own daughter, allies with my greatest enemy daughter. You think cares about you. They were probably going to kill you. I can see they already tried." He says looking at her bandage.
"She was only shot, cuz you are holding of the members daughter and hurting her until he made sure that I and my friends were gone. Little did you know that my best friend, my sister, my love was one of the people you wanted to take out." I say.
"Fine then. I'll accept your deal but with a few minor changes."
"And what is that."
"The girl, she's already dead." He says.
"You're a monster!" Angie yells at him getting ready to attack.

"I'll let both of you walk out of here alive. But you can never see each other again." He says. I think I just heard mine and Angie's heart break.
"No deal." Angie says.
"I can't assure you your life if you don't take it."
"We assure our own life." I say pointing a gun at his head.
"What you going to do with that. Kill me and you die." He says calmly.
"Who said I was gunna kill you? Now get up." I say to him, while still pointing the gun at his head. Once he is up he looks at Angie.
"Don't look at her. You don't have that right." I say clocking the gun back. I her Angie take a deep breath.
"Now we are gunna make it out alive. Or a big war starts." Angie says pulling out a gun. Where she get it from? I don't know. Probably my dads desk. Is she gunna use it? Honestly, I don't know. I can't tell her eyes are changing as fast as she blinks. It goes from anger, to hurt, and back a forth.
"Start walking." She says pushing him. I've never seen this side of her. Only once but damn. It's scary.

Once we get to our car and start it a whole bunch of guns start to shoot.
"Head down." I say to her. She starts the car and speeds out of there. Fuck.
"We're alive." I say relieved that we didn't get hit.
"Babe, we supposed to be enemies." Angie says to me.
"I know. But we are inseparable. We are writing our own destiny. And we're doing great. And I love." I say. I feel a little dizzy.
"Babe, are you okay?" I hear Angie say her voice is starting to fade.
"Yeah. We made it out alive." I can barely make out. Fuck. I spoke too soon.

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