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Alex POV

2 weeks before

"Come on, mijo we been over this. You have to go. You'll have a better life. Mida, tienes una tia in California. Paco mother and me are making the best decision for you." My mom says.
"Yo no credo. I don't want to leave the only home I know. Paco and I will have to start over."
"You're leaving. Whether you like it or not."
"I hate you."

"Were you even listening to me?." Paco asks.
"I was thinking about how I left. The last thing I said to my mom was I hate you. What if I never see her again."
"Don't talk like that. It's going to be ok. You can't change what you did but you can prevent that from happening again."


"Anyway, what were you saying?"
"I was saying that we should hangout with Melody and Angie during break and lunch. Like they cute. And a lot of guys trying to touch them. What you say?"
"Yeah. I'm good with that."

"Melody. Angie. Wait up." Paco yells.

They are in a deep conversation. These girls are really pretty. A lot of the guys in homeroom were saying there untouchable. But it's not that hard to believe. I mean these girls have a lot of dignity and pride to lose their virginity to these low lives here. These girls are angels. Melody has a caramel skin tone, long straight dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, ass, boos, thighs, she thick and beautiful. Angie has a light brown skin tone, short dyed hair, boos, thighs, she's beautiful as well.

Paco started running to catch up to them. That nigga acting to desperate. He might lose his touch messin with these girls. I jog a little to catch up.
"Hi." Melody says.
"Look, we don't know anyone so is it okay if we hang with you." Paco ask.
"Yea, sure." Angie says.
"So you are like using us?" Melody says.
I like that girl. She's see things differently than others. Like earlier today she took off her glasses and this guy told her she looks cute and she replied saying "are you implying that I look ugly with my glasses on?"
She funny and cute. She reminds me of someone I had feelings for in Chicago.

"Yea, in a way we are." I say looking at her.
Angie and Paco started talking about what they liked and why they liked it. I was just staring at Melody who was in her own world. I get close to her to see if she notice. Sure enough she looked up and made eye contact.
"Do you like to have fun?" I ask her and get into her personal space. She doesn't move of flinch.
She starts to smirk and got closer to me. "Depends on who wants to have fun with me." Our lips are centimeters away. I lean in to peck her lips but she pulls back and smiles.
"Let's get to know each other before we do that." She says.
"That's what I was trying to do." I say biting my lip.

She laughs and shakes her head. Then started walking towards Angie. Damn, she's a tease and I think she knows it. She starts talking to Angie. I think she was telling her about what just happened, because Angie looks at me and starts laughing. Paco is in the conversation and looks up with a confused face.

Paco POV
Ok. What Melody just said doesn't make sense. Alex doesn't fall for tricks. Unless. No, he can't. Wtf. I start walking towards Alex to talk to him.

"Bro. How do you fall for a trick like that. I know that you don't. The only reason you would is because..."
"It's not like that." Alex says.
"Since we left I'm trying to turn a new leaf. Instead of fucking around we should try to stick with one." He says.

Nigga got to be kidding me. We like the hottest guys in the school and it's not even our second day here. But honestly I think I'm going to my feelings for Angie in the future. She doesn't throw herself at guys. These girls don't. At least that's what we are hearing. If we can get the girls that don't themselves on no one to throw themselves on us. We would be unstoppable.

"Just stop." Alex says.
"Stop what?"
"Thinking that these girls are going to throw themselves at us cuz their not. Well at least not until we get attached."
"Nigga, that's not how girls work over here."
"That's how those girls work." Alex says nodding towards them.

He might be right. There were girls like them in Chicago, but not after me and Alex were done with them. We all about that. I guess here they call the a fuck boy. But I call it not being a loser.

"Melody. Angie." Someone yells from behind us.
The girls turn around and smile. Then they start running towards the person.
"Denny." They say at the same time.

Who the fuck is Denny. And why the hell are they happy to see him. Alex and I look at each other. I know we thinking the same shit. Let's show this guy who the fuck we are.

We start walking towards them. Before we reach a group of guys surround them. The girls start to hug all of them. One of the guys Melody hugs, places his hand right above her ass. I look at Alex and I can tell, what I thought earlier was correct. When I see one of the guys Angie hugs is holding her too long. I start to feel I don't. Weird.

"I knew you think you like her." Alex whispers into my ear.
"No, nigga. What the fuck I look like."
"You look like a Mexican guy, who likes a beautiful Latina."

"Guys we want you to meet these guys." Melody says.
"This is Alex and Paco." She says pointing at us.
"Alex and Paco these are our friends. Denilson. Ariel. Terrell. Chris. Ryan. Carlos. Luis. Selvin. And Tito."
"Hey, y'all look like soccer players. Do y'all play?" Chris ask us.
"Yea." Alex says.
"Y'all should tryout." Denilson says, handing us a flier.
"Anyway," he turns to Melody and Angie, "y'all going to our first game, right?"
"Yes. We wouldn't want to miss you guys lose." Melody says.
"She means wins." Angie says.
"Don't lie to them. They suck."
"Melody, you know we can hear you?" Selvin asks.
Alex and I start to laugh. Alex starts to hand the flier.
"We don't do losing." Alex says giving him the flier.

I can tell Denilson didn't like that.
"I was kidding Alex." Melody says.
"Is that so." Ryan says grabbing Melody by the waist and pull her close to him.

"Nigga, let her go!" Angie says. Pulling him away from her.
"I don't know why you trippin. Melody didn't have a problem with it." He says.
"Yes she did. She was trying to push your hands off of her." Angie says really mad.

"Come on Melody. Let's go to class." Angie say grabbing her hand and walking away.

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