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Damian stands, and motions for me to as well. He walks up to me and puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Lets go to a more comfortable place for you to learn." He looks down at me with a grin. Now standing, I realize he's around 6'3 in height. His sharp, deep blue eyes and spiky brown hair make him look youthful, but I'll guess he's around 40.

He guides me out of the office, and we walk down the hall. People stare once again at me, and I don't like the attention. Damian suddenly stops, and I do too. He takes his arm off me, and holds a door open for me. The library is marvelous. Beautiful mahogany wood, intricate chandelier hanging from the center of the room.

"Auria, this way." He says, chuckling at my gaping awe. I turn and walk to him, and sit across from him in a comfy chair.

"Damian, what makes us special?"

"You don't speak much, do you? Only to ask questions, hm?" He's right. I'm not talkative around people I don't know. He focuses his gaze on me.

"You're here even though your mother didn't want you to be. If Luna had found and taken you instead though, you'd only be used for experiments or killed." I contemplate his words, wanting to ask so many things.

"Auria, I'll be straight with you. I don't like playing games with anyone's mind, and I doubt you do either. All the people at these compounds have power of some sort. Regular humans don't know of us. Of course, there are always stories. Some of the few humans that know betray us. Doesn't matter too much though, as they aren't believed when they tell people of us." His words make me think so much. Powers, he says. I've never had any, or seen any abnormalities within my family.

Suddenly, a hand waves in front of my face, making me recoil.

"Sorry, you zoned out. I know this sounds insane, but I'll show you a few kinds of powers here later. Your Energia is coming up soon, correct?" I stare at him, not knowing anything about what an Energia is. After a few seconds, he realizes.

"So your parents told you nothing at all? Your birthday in a couple months and they didn't mention it?" He sits there, dumbfounded.

"My birthday is in three months, October 23rd." I tell him softly.

"You'll be 16?" I nod, and he crosses his arms.

"Your Energia is your 16th birthday. It's when your power is received. The most important day of your life, besides being born. We know your power is going to be strong, Auria. Your parents were nearly invincible together, until they swore off using their power after having you. Their names are well known throughout the power using human race." He silences, his thoughts clouding his mind.

"Most of the people here have been since they were 14 and younger. You've been receiving strange looks because we've begun training already, and new users aren't accepted once we begin. I'm making an exception, and the only thing I ask you do is choose a new last name. I can't have your parents name being connected to you now, or Luna may attempt to start a war to take you from us. They don't know you're alive yet, and I say let's keep it that way." I think hard, partially understanding why he wants me ditching my last name.

I love my last name, Faron. I have to change it for now, understandably. If those people willingly killed 20, they would no doubt hunt me down.

"Gunn." I answer. He looks at me, confused for a second.

"Gunn, G-U-N-N. Can that be my last name?" I ask with a small smile.

"Certainly. I like it, it fits your sharp personality." He says, standing up. As I stand up, I find him staring at me again.

"Auria, those eyes of yours keep reminding me of your mother. I know I already told you that, but she always had the most mystical eyes. You do as well, and I'm glad you do. Your grayish blue hair comes from your dad of course.. makes those eyes stand out sharp." He walks away toward the doors, and I hurry behind him.

"I'll find someone to give you a tour around the facility after we get to the office. I think you'd prefer the company of someone your age." He smiles, and I do too. This life shouldn't be too bad.

Heya Reader! If you enjoyed, comment or vote to let me know. If you've got suggestions for me, PM me!


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