Chapter Twenty One- Your Avoiding Me

Start from the beginning

"Class dismissed" Mrs Edwards finally says.
"Don't forget the test on Friday, you fail and your off the course, good luck!" She shouts over the mumbling students and other background noise. I quickly gather up my notes and books and shove them in my bag before standing up and tucking my chair in under the desk. I don't know why I'm so nervous around him right now but I just don't know how to act after last week. He stood me up and was acting weird and then hasn't spoken to me since so what am I suppose to do? I quickly push through people in the hallway to get away from that class and I eventually reach my locker and I feel relived. I open up my locker and start switching my books round for my next class before I hear someone clear there throat behind me getting me to turn around and see a smug looking Harry looking down at me.

"Can I help you?" I say as I turn back away from him to get my books out.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asks and I roll my eyes before slamming my locker.

"Nope" I say as I turn to face him. He seems confused as he stands there for a second opening his mouth but nothing comes out.
"I have to get to class" I say as I try move past him, however he steps in front of me blocking my path. Unfortunately he towers over me making me feel completely helpless making me sigh and stand there waiting for him to spit out what he's trying to say.
"Please move" I say quietly not looking anywhere else but the floor.

"Your avoiding me" he states.

"I don't have time for this right now Harry-"

"Your avoiding me, right?" He states again waiting for a reply. I sigh and look up at him as I cling on to my books.

"I'm not" I say quietly. His eyes seem to stare intensely at me seeming like he's trying to work something out but I can't keep the gaze long enough and look down again.

"You ran out of that class a little quick to not be avoiding someone, so who are you avoiding?" He questions me as he folds his arms of his chest as I take a step back from him once I realise how close we are to each other.

"I'm not avoiding anyone" I say as I quickly turn the other way and star speed walking away from him.

"Amy wait a second, please I just want to talk" he says as he somehow is blocking my way again. Fuck. What do I do? I'm obviously upset that Harry blew me off last weekend but I guess what else should I expect from someone like him. Someone who isn't really my friend. Someone like Harry.

"What could you possible have to say to me?" I sigh and decide to get this over with.

"I-I don't know what I did but whatever it is you don't have to avoid me over it" he says shrugging like he doesn't have care for anything.

Is he serious?

He doesn't know what he's done?

"I'm not avoiding you for the last time I'm just-"

"Your late. I know. So am I but-"

"But nothing Harry, I'm trying to get my attendance back up and my grades up right now Harry so I can carry on here next year and complete college and your making it really hard for me to do that right now by standing in my way and questioning me about something that isn't important right now"
I snap catching him off guard.

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