Put to a Stop

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Sapphire fainted. Sylvester died. The Eevees fled. Tiny Sapphire was safe from harm, but was still held captive. Fizzy and Izzy would easily lose. The team lost. Desperate to win, yet lost harshly. Then Fizzy and Izzy saw something soar
overhead. They swooped down.

It was a flock of Dragonites! They all went and use Dragon Pulse. It was a lot. Fizzy and Izzy were relieved. Saital was about to lose. One of the pulses hit them, and their ropes were knocked off. They grabbed Sapphire's rope and tied Saital's wings with them. She fell to the ground, and couldn't continue. Fizzy and Izzy flew up and used a combo they never used before. It happened because of their bond as sisters. They flew next to each other and became cloaked with fire. They rushed at her, among all the Dragonites using Dragon Rush. It took a while to realize the lead Dragonite was the Dragonair. They all left. Ruby was Ruby again. Fizzy and Izzy were ready to fill her in on what happened.

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