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"Colten! Snap the fuck out of it!" Brennon shouted. They were on their way to the district, for today was the day that deemed if they were fit enough to live in Munificent. Munificent was the largest city of all 5. Colten and Brennon applied for Munificent once they turned eighteen. Now all they had to do was travel all the way from Arcadian to Munificent on the small wooden train that carried them through the woods.

"Stop blanking out. We're almost there. I promise that we'll get into Munificent. We came from Arcadian. Everyone knows that Arcadians have a better chance at becoming a Munificent than anyone else. Am I wrong?" Brennon said before standing up to look out the rusty window. Colten sighed and joined him.

"No I guess not. It's just that-" But Brennon cut him off before he had to hear anymore of his worrisome comments.

"Colten it's going to be fine! Why wouldn't they except us? We're handsome and come from wealthy families" Colten thought about it. Each of the cities were built on different lifestyles. Munificent was the city that was built on lavish lifestyles and abundant riches. Coming from Arcadian, they had a higher chance of getting in. Ever since the first political wars, Arcadian and Munificent have been allies.

"You're right. Let's sleep now" Colten said before laying down on Brennon's legs. He laughed and fell asleep against the train's wall.

Crashing and screeching.

That's what woke up the pair of boys. Their heads shot up and looked out the open doorway. There was a section of the journey between cities that was particularly dangerous. It was a steep mountain. Mix that with an old rickety train and the darkness of the night, danger is bound to happen.

The train was making the screeching sounds from the broken brakes as they were careening down the hill. The crashing? That was the trees snapping against the rooftop.

"Brennon! Brennon what's happening?!" Colten yelled, trying to see the tracks in the low visibility. Brennon was shaking and gasping.

"Colten stay by my side. And do not leave it. Ok? We have to be calm" Brennon said in a soothing voice. Tch. We may be transferring to Munificent, but he still has Arcadian running in his blood.

Nonetheless, he nodded his head and walked over Brennon. He closed his eyes and leaned against his chest. He took deep breaths and tried to match his heartbeat to his friend's calm one. Just as soon as he gained control over his mind, he was thrown into the wall on top of Brennon. Except, he kept falling to the other wall. And then to the other. Then the realization hit him.

The train had crashed and was rolling down the mountain.

Hitting the wall one last time was all it took to make his head black out. When he woke up, the first thing he thought was, pain. It was surrounding him, numbing his mind.

No! Colten thought angrily.

Snap the fuck out of it Colten! Colten thought to himself, remembering Brennon's words.

BRENNON! Where is he? He slowly and painfully sat up. He grit his teeth from the pain but looked up anyways. He found him lying on the other side of the train. He carefully crawled to him, trying not to put pressure on one spot of his body for too long. He was in just as bad condition as Colten was. His arms were bloody and his body was mangled into unrecognizable shapes.

"Brennon? Brennon? BRENNON!" Colten screamed. No. Screaming his name won't help the situation. Come on Colten, think of something. What will wake him up. Or....he might be dead. Absolutely not. I cannot comprehend Brennon being dead.

That's when Colten was hit with an idea that wasn't necessarily smart but it would wake him up. He moved closer and examined all of Brennon's wounds. He ripped off both of their shirts and tore strips into them. Once Colten found the smallest wound, he took the shirt and pressed into the wound lightly, closing his eyes tightly and turning away. He heard a scream and stopped. Colten turned to see his best friend with sweat and dirt dripping down the sides of his face. Brennon's eyes were bloodshot and wide. His pale hands fumbling for Colten's arm.

"I'm going to die! Colten I'm going to die!" Brennon screamed clutching onto his arm tightly. The sight was pitiful. Two 18 year old boys sitting in a train bloody, dirty, and sweaty, crying together and waiting for death to arrive.


Part 2?

Sorry it took so long to publish a new part, I barely had anytime to work on it. I actually re-wrote this part like three times before making this because it felt too rushed. Again I apologize 😁💜💜💜

Sorry for typos!


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