Centipeedle's Reverse Corruption

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Hello readers!

Today I am going to be covering a theory that was requested by Gluten-free-Stories a while ago, while I was on vacation.

Seeing the request, I was actually pretty happy, as the topic was something I had thought about and wanted to cover anyway.

Now, before anyone says I've been stealing ideas or concepts or theories etc., yes, I have watched theory videos on YouTube. No, I'm not trying to copy them. And of course I had come to some of my own conclusions beforehand anyway. I may mention some evidence other people have mentioned before, but that's only because it is actually true and might add on to the theory. I'll try to keep it as original as possible.

First of all, I'm going to lay out the facts of corruption.

The diamonds sang/played a song that corrupted all who heard it, according to centipeedle. They themselves didn't seem corrupted, so either they were immune to it or they plugged their ears or something, but that's not important, right now.

Corruption, unlike a cracked or damaged gem, is an injury, or more like a sickness, of the mind. It can't be physically cured.

I would like to start my case with Centipeedle's behavior. Steven was, somehow, able to cure her a little bit, and I am going to get to that part in a little bit.

Centipeedle regained some of her memory when Steven half-healed her. She could even remember her old appearance, as seen through her drawings. Most importantly, though, Centipeedle remembered the moment the corruption overtook her and many others. This huge light, perhaps representing white sound, flooded the picture.

It was at that moment, when Centipeedle remembered the corruption song, that she began to corrupt again.

Obviously, even if Centipeedle had been cured completely, having that memory inide her, the sound of corruption, would've turned her into a monser again.

The only way someone could truly and completely be uncorrupted, would be for that memory to be out of their head, permanantly.

You may be wondering, how come Jasper was corrupted then? It can't just be the memory, because he wasn't there.

Well, Jasper fused with a corrupted gem, sharing their memories, so he probably glimpsed that sound, or envisioned the whole moment, as he was fused.

There was a theory I saw once, where the person suggested that Steven could go into the corrupted gem's mind and heal them there, but that just wouldn't work for two reasons. First of all, as far as we know, Steven can't erase memories. Second of all, if he could, and maybe he can, were Steven to come across the memory, he'd hear the song and be corrupted too.

Unless, being half human, he were immune to the corruption. But, being unsure of that, we can't propose this scenario as a solid theory. This is a possibility, but I find it unlikely.

For a corrupted gem to be healed, and permanantly, her memory would have to be erased, or at least the memory of the song.

There are a few possibilities that could make this happen.

Perhaps a gem artifact, or maybe Steven could alter memories somehow, maybe even a counter-song.

Or, maybe even a fusion. (Considering that blue gems have powers to do with time, and Lapis has the power to reay past events, possibly Lapis could fuse with Steven, who has the power to heal and get into someone's mind. Who knows.)

Anyway... that's my take on the corruption. What do you guys think?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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