Will Steven Poof... or DIE?

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Oh my... this theory is one that has been itching at my mind since I first learned of Steven's existence.

If Steven's physical form were fatally injured, would he poof, or simply die?

I know that many believe this question has been answered.

A tweet of a fan asking if Steven would poof or die was answered by Matt Burnett, who replied with words about Steven just dying and nothing else happening. I, for one, do not believe a WORD of it.

You may think, "But he works with Steven Universe! He knows all!"

All the same while, when someone asked him, "Will we being seeing more of Peridot in the future when Steven Universe returns?" after the episode that she escaped in the old spaceship, he answered with, "Nope, she got away".


"So no Peridot at all in the future or will she eventually be back?"

"Never again, she just helicoptered back to Homeworld."

Also, when Matt was asked if Malachite would ever return again, he said, "She's having adventures with fish."

Which, as we now see Peridot often, and malachite was obviously having a VERY BAD TIME at the bottom of the ocean, these statements (and all the other similar ones that you can find online) were TOTAL LIES! COMPLETELY!

Another reason I believe Steven can, in fact, poof, and he wouldn't just die is because 1. The show is one day going to have to confront the idea of Steven poofing, and he can't just die.

Steven Universe is THE main character. The show is even NAMED after him. Howver, Steven being able to poof or not is a very much asked question, so the Creniverse couldn't just ignore it. Along with that, Matt said that any questions we might have will all probably be answered at some point during the show. That means, they would have to create an episode with the situation of Steven being hurt badly enough to need to poof, and they can't kill Steven, so what other choice do they have than poofing him?

My second piece of evidence is: Science.

I am going to explain the exact science of how Steven will be able to poof.

So a gem is a rock. We all get that. But a gem acts as a brain and main functioning organ for the gem's being. (I have made a complete detailed explanation on the very specifics of a gem, and how it could ACTUALLY be create din the world, but I am not going to copy and paste everything onto here... for now.) Anyway, the form made of "liquid light" that solidifies, as I like to call it, seeps out of tiny pores coming from the core of the gem.

Steven is half human, so his body is, apparently, organic.

However, Steven is able to fuse: so his body is able to melt into another person's/gem's. You may say: Well, Connie fused with Steven, and she's completely human!

To that I say, look up the theory about Connie having gem DNA in her since the episode 'Indirect Kiss', which should explain everything.

Because Steven is half human, and half gem, this matter is very confusing.

This will be hard to explain...

I believe Steven's physical form is made out of light, but a type that is mixed with human molecules and DNA. Remember that, because I am going to get back to it, but I must explain another thing first.

You saw how when Pearl or any of the other gems poofed, their current bodies vanished away into thin air like dust, and their gems created whole new ones?

Well, I believe that Steven's gem wouldn't be able to 'replace' his body, but instead renew it. His current form wouldn't poof away, it would be sucked back into his gem, and then regenerate, good as new, as his human DNA would hold the 'database' of how his form is supposed to look.

On that topic, I do not believe Steven would be able to change his clothes or appearance, but instead just be 'refreshed.'

I hope that made sense, and I hope that brought some clarity into view.

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