My Wolf

613 13 6

Smut, smut smut.. maybe some fluff at the end.



Remus had a bad day, he was excited to go home and just relax with his other half Sirius.

Walking into their place he took a deep breath and smiled. He was home.

"Welcome home Love." Remus was embraced by strong, loving arms. "What can I do for you?"

"I need cuddles."

Sirius wraps his arms around Remus and pulls him to the couch and into his lap. Remus inhales the sent of his lover. Leather. Mint. Woods.

"Mmmmmmmm.......this is lovely." Remus moaned into Sirius's chest. Remus continues to snuggle into the warm embrace.

Sirius started kissing on Remus's neck. Causing the man in his lap to to fall to the floor.

Laughing Sirius stood up and helped him to stand. Pulling him into a hug then continuing to assult the neck of his lover.

"That feels so good Sirius." Feeling the man suck and nibble on the sensitive flesh.

Sirius strokes his hands over Remus's shoulders and collarbones. Nimble fingers touching the heated skin.

"Don't stop" comes a moan "that feels so good."

Sirius groans and the words and sounds that his lover is making, and starts to nibbles on his ear.

A giggle falls out of the mouth of Remus. Sirius's long hair tickling the nape of his neck.

Sirius runs his hands over the neck and chest of the man in front of him. Feeling the lean muscles that make up the man he loves.

A deep animalistic groan escapes the mouth of the werewolf.

Sirius continues to hold his body next to his. Need growing in his body, lust right behind.

Remus melts into the warm embrace, want rolling off his being.

Sirius runs his hands through the sandy blonde hair as he devours his lips in a searing kiss. Sirus slides his hands down the back of Remus, and across his firm ass.

Remus pushes his hips forward, wanting and needing more from the dark haired man.


Sirius grinds against Remus, craving more friction between the two. Feeling the heat from his sex through his jeans.

Feeling the erection, Remus's cock twitches in his pants. Causing Sirius to moan into his mouth.

Remus fumbles with the buttons on the tight jeans Sirius had poured himself into.

Grunting "I need you!"

Remus finally releases the pressure growing inside. Dropping to his knees, he hungrily looks at the cock in front of him.


Remus kisses the tip then slowly wraps his lips around it and slides down to the base.

Sirius runs his hands through Remus's hair and moans.

Remus hums as he moves back up the throbbing cock. Twists his tounge round the tips then licks the slit, then quickly moves back down.

Sirius pulls slightly on Remus's hair, moaning, not wanting to take his cock out of Remus's magic mouth.

Groaning at the pleasurable pain, Remus swallows around the tip then moves back up, cheeks hallow as he sucks. He grasps at the base of Sirius's cock and twists as he swiftly move up and down the throbbing member.

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