Her Wizard (Final)

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I hope you have enjoyed this little story. Please if you have the chance read my story One Love it is a Drarry. I also will be writing more her also. Thank you for all the votes and comments.

There will be smut. You have been warned.

Also a lot of scene changes.



------Meeting of the Minds-----

They had a plan. Now they just needed to execute the plan.

"Here are my memories from that day Hermione." Draco said while handing her a small container.

Each person handed her a memory. Memories they felt Severus Snape needed to see. One memory was one Hermione hadn't seen. Thar was one that Hermione needed to see with him. Together.

"Are you ready for this Hermione?" Luna asked.

"Yes. Though I am scared he won't recive me like we want." She said. "I am scared I will never see you guys again."

"Oh but you will." Luna said in a dream like state. "He was made for you, as you were made for him. Magic knows her way."

Hermione looked at Luna with confusion but once she looked in her crystal blue eyes something came over her. Magic.

Hermione was smart, daring, and brave. Not one to believe in fates, and crystal balls. Having Trelawney as a Divination teacher only helped solidify her feelings of such nonsense. Well until Luna. For some reason Luna knew things, no she felt things no other could. You could have a smile on your face that would light up the Great Hall, but Luna could tell your heart was dark with your true emotion. So when Luna spoke her in dream like voice Hermione listened.

"Thanks Luna." Was all she said.

"I am ready Draco." She said grasping his hand. Then turning to everyone else. She smiled and held up her head high "I don't know when I will see you next, but mark my words. I will see you again."

With that Draco disapperated with Hermione.


Snape heard a loud pop, but ignored it. It was outside the wards of the home and he couldn't care enough to check.

Though when he heard the front door open he managed to lift his head up from the hungover fog he was in.

Thinking he is hearing things again when he stops to listen and hears nothing else. His head goes back into his hands. Only to now hear the library doors open and a small voice ask.


Head snapping up, and rising to his feet he groans. Realising that he moved to quickly he falls back to the couch in a heap of flailing limbs.

"Professor! Are you all right?" Hermione yelled rushing towards him.

"Silence girl." Snape snapped. "My head hurts enough with out you screeching."

"Sorry Sir" Hermione said taking a step back.

"Why am I dreaming while I am awake?" He moaned "What did I drink last night to give me visions in the morning."

"Sir?" Hermione shot back.

"Did I not tell you silence?" He pitched back. "You are not real! Now be quiet!"

"Sir I promise you I am very much real." Hermione said taking a step closer. Reaching her hand out to touch him.

His reaction was quick. He slapped the hand away. Only to stop and finally really look at the picture before him.

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