Now what?

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The next day, it was gloomy and there was no site of boomer since that night. Blossom had found an apartment near school, changed her classes, and locker. Her heart too was dying away. She missed Boomer's laugh, his eyes, and smiling face. She started crying once more while sewing class ended. "Blossom?" the teacher's voice, Mrs. Trina, said. She turned and the teacher was next to her with a sadden face. "What happened dear?" Blossom wiped her tears, and sighed. "I'm fine. My. Um. Goldfish died" she lied and ran out of the room as the tears flowed once more. Slamming open the restroom, into a stall, and locking door. She slumped down and cried and her tears fell onto her light pink skirt. Her once cherry face was now covered with tears and sadden eyes.

Bubbles stormed into the class as Butch followed close behind her. "Vicious your over reacting" Butch said rolling his emerald eyes. "Butch! Really?! I can't find my sister's any where!" She ran into the school garden's trying to find her pink or green sister. "Blossom's stuff is gone! Buttercup won't even look at me and your-your my only friend I can trust!" She yelled searching every where. "Blossom! Buttercup!" She yelled running into the gym. Butch grabbed her arm as they were once again the garden. "Butch! Let GO!" She yelled trying to get free from his grasp. "no! Bubbles! Stop!" He yelled as he fought him. He grabbed her other arm from hitting her face. "WHAT?!" She yelled as tears formed into her eyes. Her eyes lighten and her voice soften. "Calm down. We'll get through this. Together" He said as they locked eyes. Bubbles leaned in as Butch looked dazed. For the first time in forever, her wanted to make a girl happy. Even if he had to leave her forever. Bubble's hair formed pigtails again, her eyes the same shade once more, her dress returned with a thick black stripe in the middle, and her pink full lips clashed into the black haired boys'. The kissed passionately until Bubble's eyes opened and pulled away. "I'm. I'm sorry Butch." She said blushing a light pink. He laughed and held her close. "I'm not" he said smoothing her hair. She giggled and Butch let her go laughing a little. "Butch. Where will we go?" The blond girl asked sadly. "You can stay with me. I'll buy you anything you want. We can go anywhere. Because when we're together. Nothing can stop us" He said holding her hands. She looked up at the boy as if he was some stranger. "Butch. what about. Brick?" bubbles asked turning away from Butch's gaze. he laughed and picked her up by the waist. "don't worry about him. I'll take care of you." He said as her blue eyes looked at his dark emerald ones. they flew away toward the big house on top of a mountain. Butch kicked open his window and set Bubbles on the dark green bed. "Butch?" the blue eyes girl asked the ravened haired boy. "yeah?" he asked changing his shirt to a dark green tank top. she sighed and asked him, "Are. are we going to run away?" He turned to her and rose a brow. "do you want to?" he asked her as she shrugged. "tell you what. I'll ask you every night. the same question. until you say yes. okay?" he said as she smiled and nodded. "now. here are your pjs and the bathroom is right there." he said pointing. she ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. he heard her squeal in happiness.

He laughed knowing his love was true.

At least he thought it was.

Love Differences {under construction!} जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें