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"Hello?" "What do you mean something happened?!" Blossom yelled widen eyed. "OH MY GOD IM COMING." Brat screamed. "What happened!" Blake yelled who was driving. "Bubbles happened!" "BUBBLES?!" They all screamed confused as hell. "Look, Brute saw Bubbles take off with some guy, DONT ASK ME WHY SHE FUCKING CALLED BUTCH, they found them in his apartment, and I don't know WHY but fucking Butch started a fight, Bubbles and the other guy got seriously hurt and Brute is dying!" The silence surrounding was thick like cement. The crying of Brat's sniffs where the only thing they could hear.
Bubbles cheated on Butch....
Brute was dying...
And Butch had gotten arrested.

Butch stared at the oh so familiar ivory bars in front of him. Even if he wanted to break out, which he totally did, he couldn't. Everything was coated in Chemical Z. Call it their personal kryptonite. He stared at the bars with clouded eyes filled with a haze of boiled anger. 'That slut... I gave her everything...' He gritted his teeth and screamed causing the room to shake violently. Eyes turned a dark green blasting into the wall. Doing absolutely nothing. Skin colliding with the concrete floor pounded harshly against one another as he continued his pointless actions.

Eventually his hands were coated with red, black, and blue. Puffs of anger escaped his dry lips and sweat dropped to the semi cracked floor. "Awh is baby /done/ with his tantrum?" He growled loudly looking over at the voice. Her short blond hair sat on her shoulders, baby blue bra strap with someone's leather jacket covering her arms, black jean shorts, and her angelic face now coated with the demons blessing. "Get. Out. Of. My. Fucking. Face!" He yelled at her as a giggle escaped her. "But Butchie~" mockery in her voice. "Bubbles I SWAER-" she held her hand up with a smirk as he stopped instantly. "Tut tut babe, you're baby girl ain't here... It's Viscous mkaaaay?" Her hips swayed with a giggle. "Why are you doing this?!" He yelled as she winked. "Because hon, little ol me can't go to jail again! I'm too pretty! If Brute can be just ever so kind and just DIE that'd be great. Two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead~" she giggled as Butch growled. "And me? I know EXACTLY what you did." She winked leaning closely to the bars. "Oh don't get your boxers in a twist. If Brute dies, you'll be banished!" She squealed. His face paled and he looked at her in shock. "You wouldn't..." The blond kissed the bars lightly and giggled, "I tots would~"

Buttercup woke up with a massive hang over. "What..?" She groaned turning her head to the side to shield her eyes from the bright light. She opened her heavy eyes, "what the..?" Instantly she looked around frantically. Why was she in a laboratory?! Her arms tried to move but they wouldn't budge. They were held by titanium chains bolted down to the silver table she was placed on. Hands on either side of her waist, legs closed and chained, she couldn't even move her neck, another chain bolted there as well. "HELLO?!" She screamed struggling despite her efforts.
"Please stop struggling Buttercup, you'll make this so much easier." A small Swedish accent in his voice. He eyes squinted, black spots covered her vision from the bright lights, "I know you..." Steps echoed through the laboratory as they got closer. "But of course, you see Buttercup, you're sisters have something very special that I need."
His face visible, leaning over her table with glasses falling slowly to the bridge of his nose. "D-Dexter?!" She struggled even more, "Lemme go you dweeb!" He adjusted his glasses and straightened out his coat. "I'm sorry, I can't do that. You see. One of you have what is called, black z ray. I want it. Of course naturally those simple ton rowdyruff males have them but not in the form I desire. You see Buttercup."
He leaned down, their nose barely touching one another. "You powerpuff girls have the crystallized form of chemical X. White Z Ray... And one of you became infected with black z Ray. My monitor detected it." He pulled out a crappy looking thing with smashed buttons and loose wires. Buttercup continued to struggle. "Alas I couldn't keep it stabilized enough for me to calculate which one of you actually have it." "So you kidnapped me?!" She burst as he tisked. "No no no, I am merely observing. I had injected something called Chemical Z inside you. If you show no signs of the black z ray, I'm afraid you won't survive this process." Her breath hitched as her chest heaved in panic. "Where the hell did you get your hands on Chemical Z?!" Dexter chuckled and winked clicking a button, Buttercup's table flipped up causing her to stand, her gaze staring at the lab equipment.
"I have been studying you girls for as long as I could remember." Numbers, sketches, data, and basically everything Buttercup despised was there. "Why me?! How come not Blossom or Bubbles?!" The red head chuckled louder. "What?!" "Don't you know NOTHING about Chemical Z?" His face instantly turned stern. "Z Ray is activated by EXTREMELY hostile thoughts or actions. It could turn you into a completely different person if you can't control it!" Buttercup was just about to burst into tears. She wanted to go home! "Why do you want it?!" Dexter looked away and then back at her with a psycho smile. "Because I'm going to finally DESTROY Mandark."

Green eyes reflected at so many others. "Brute..?" Asked a shaky voice, she had pretty blond hair and b cups, cs at best. "That's my name, don't were it out." She sat up and stretched staring at the strange people crowding her bed. "Brute I... You're okay." Asked a feminine red head covered with hickeys. "Um... Yeah I'm okay... Why wouldn't I be?" She replied as a pretty red head girl hushed them. "You guys... Don't pry." Another girl next to her stare at the Raven haired girl, "hey that's cool, you girls are twins." Brute laughed. They all froze, silence surrounded them. Brute rose a confused brow throwing back the sheets and looked down at herself, why were her legs not moving..? "Brute..." She looked up at a blond boy, "Your legs are going to be asleep for a long time..." He said softly. "What..? Why?" Brute ran a hand down her legs. She couldn't even feel it. "The doc..." Started a less feminine red head boy. "You need more black z Ray but none of us have an extra life if you catch my drift." One of the red head twins elbowed him in the ribs. Considering she was shorter. "What Brick MEANS is we need another boast of black z Ray in you." Brute didn't quite understand but then again she didn't question it. She looked at pretty blond girl and smiled warmly. Something about her... "You're cute... Wanna go out?"

Breaker laughed as he swung an arm around his prize dame. "Did ya see his face B? Huh did ya?" She laughed out hysterically. "Oh I totally did baby girl." He nibbled on her ear making her respond with a moan. "Its good to have you back." He mused as she nuzzled into him. "Ditto~"


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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