"Jennifer Grace Jensen where the fuck are you". I said looking around.

"What". A voice said.

"MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU GOT TAKEN". I said laying down with her.

"Nope just tanning". She said.

"Well I'm going to the movies with Geoff, and Otto is going to the airport. So you and Awsten are alone don't fuck up the house." I said.

"Got it".

I walked back into the house feeling relieved.

"Okay Geoff go get a shirt on we're going out". I said.

"Okay". He said with a smile.

"Otto have a safe trip, love you". I said giving him a hug.

"Awe I love you too Chloe, thanks for letting me crash here for a while". He said.

"Did I just hear I love you's". Geoff said walking back with a blue shirt on.

"Oh fucking hell I love everyone". I said. Smiling.

"I should get going the Uber is here". Otto said grabbing his phone and luggage.

"Bye". He said walking out the door.

"Okay, Awsten big favor I need you to do laundry when the washer is done put the stuff in the dryer".

"No, I'm not gonna touch your sex sheets". Awsten said.

"What sheets?" Jenna said raising her voice.

The room fell silent as i looked down at my feet.

"Not surprised, good job Coco". She said.

"W-what" I said tripping over my words.

"Good man, nice body, looks like he makes you happy, just don't get pregnant, I'll do your sheets" she said laughing.

"Thanks". I said smiling.

I left the room to go upstairs to change my self. I put on my favorite pair of joggers and a army green shirt with strings hanging from the bottom. I put on my Nike shoes and shoved some money in my wallet. My phone was at 68% so I'd have to deal for tonight.

I took a picture in front of my mirror and put it on my insagram story.

"Ready?" I said grabbing my keys.

"Yea". Geoff said grabbing my hand.

We walked out the door as Geoff's opened hand grabbed the car keys.

"I'm driving". He said.

"No I like driving". I said

"You don't know your way around here". He said

"Siri dose". I said holding my phone up.

"Chloe I grew up like 20 minutes away from your house let me". He said.

"Wait so you have family here". I said.

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