I thought they were done, we returned to just taking blood and checking my eyes with only breaking a single toe every hour. I t-thought the Moon Goddess was on my side ya know?!" I exclaim chuckling with blurry eyes. "I thought it wasn't so bad anymore, that I could survive it. I didn't realise that the times between breaking it were getting longer and longer. I didn't think much when I'd wince a little when they broke it again after two days of nothing. When I got back up to screaming and crying, they started on the other toes and kept going until I couldn't feel it anymore.....then they went to the fingers."

"No." Julian sobs in a low whisper as tears fall from my eyes to my lap.

"They started it all over again." I say through clenched teeth. "And then they kept doing it again and again and again!

Then they started b-burning me! They'd burnt every single part of my body they could. They left no place untouched, the pain so much worse than the agony before. When they were done with that t-they moved onto cutting me. Each deeper than the one before, each pumping out a louder scream than the last. I had no more tears left so I just screamed and screamed and screamed.
I didn't get why they were playing this sick game with me. Why they set out on a mission to hurt me, torture me, break me completely.....and that's exactly what they did." I say stopping as the tears take over and I cry into Julian's arms, shaking as my mind screams at me in agony.

"You can stop. You don't have to continue." Julian says rocking me as he rubs my back soothingly. I clench into him as my mind becomes flooded with memories I wish stayed buried.

"I have to." I cry as he tries desperately to sooth me but he had no idea how to. I swallow the lump in my throats as I look at a spot in the room and focus on it. "O-One day the lights turned on. I saw the place that I'd been screaming my lungs out in.

A small empty room with nothing but four rogues surrounding me in surgical suits with my blood staining them. They were in the middle of cutting me when it happened, they stopped in surprise when the door opened and out came a man I came to know at Reon.
He told them to leave and they did so without a word. His voice was the first besides my own that I'd heard in so long that it sounded foreign to me."


My eyes stayed trained on the man who I didn't recognize as he walked towards me slowly. I tried to push away but there was nowhere to go with the restraints they had to hold me down. He pulls a chair next to me and sits down staring at me, his eyes moving down to my healing stomach making me let out a low cry as my heart started racing in fear. I shut my eyes when he reached forward, expecting some new form of torture but it never came. My eyes pop open in surprise when I feel him raise my head, he watched me creepily as he unbuckled the muzzle before sitting back down.

"Do you know why you're here?" He asks his voice so low it scared me more than his pitch black eyes. "Why we're doing what we're doing to you?" I stay silent as I stare at him in disbelief. When I fail to answer him, he presses his finger into my open cut making my hoarse voice scream out in pain.

"N-no." I stutter once he pulls out his bloody finger.

"It's because we need something from you. We're not doing it for fun, we're doing it because we have to." He says placing his face against his knuckles. "You see, we rogues don't enjoy being 'savages', 'beasts acting without reasoning'. A fate we're forced to suffer because we're no longer in our packs, that's unfair isn't it?"

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