Chapter 11: Recovery

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Josh's P.O.V:

I woke up in a hospital bed with Jenna and Tyler to my left and (y/n) holding my hand to my right. I love the way she fiddled with it. It made me feel so relaxed.

They were talking, and my eyes were still shut, but I was listening.

"But it's already been six days." (y/n) said, in angry and distressed tone. She sounded half broken and I could tell she had been crying.

Six days for what?

I opened my eyes again and Tyler and (y/n) were hugging, she was crying into his shoulder. "Shhh... he'll be fine. I swear." He spoke. It sounded like he was trying to convince himself as well as her.

Jenna was sipping on a coffee and there was a clock next to me reading the time 5:47pm.

"But I'm worried... we'll lose him." She choked on her words.

"What do you mean?" I blurted. "I'm right here." My voice was croaky as I hadn't used it for a while. Jenna instantly shot her eyes up from the ground and the solemn look on her face was immediately wiped.

"JOSH! You're awake!" She shouted.

"Dude! You're alive!" Tyler screamed. (Y/n) didn't say anything, she just hugged me as if she could lose me at any second. I kissed her and she sat back down, my hand still in hers.

"Oh man. You nearly gave me a heart attack." Tyler spoke up again. He hugged me as well. I laughed. "I'm gonna go notify the nurse so we can get you out of here."

"And I'm gonna go... um... get another coffee." Jenna said, leaving (y/n) and I alone once again.

"I'm not supposed to offer you anything, but do you want a Redbull or some Pringles or something? For someone who hasn't woken up in six days you seem pretty good. Apparently you breathed so fast your body was overwhelmed with oxygen and it kinda made your system shut down. You have a drip attached to you, as you can probably see."

I moved and noticed the long plastic tube connected to my left arm. Weird.

"Also..." She mumbled. "Never scare me like that again. Please? I'm sorry I didn't deal with the situation as well as I could have. I'm gonna try and learn from now."

"What? Don't apologise! Also a Redbull would be nice. Haven't had one in six days, can you believe it?" I grinned at her beautiful face. She rolled her eyes at my stupidity and laughed a little then got up to leave. I love the way she walks.


A couple hours later, and a few checks from the nurse later, I was finally let out of the hospital. Tyler borrowed his parent's car to get up here and so we all got in to drive to my house. Jenna called shotgun, so (y/n) and I took our usual places at the back together. The hospital was about a 40 minute drive away from my house. I noticed (y/n)'s eyes started drooping and I wrapped my arm around her. She snuggled up to my chest, and soon enough was sleeping quietly. I was out like a light too.

"Hey Josh," I heard (y/n) say. "We're stopping at KFC, d'ya want any dinner?"

"Nah, but I'll just go to the toilet real quick." I said, getting out of the car to head inside.

As I came out of the toilets, I noticed that the basketball dicks were hanging around a table close by the front door. I kept my head down, but sadly it's not difficult to spot a person with neon yellow hair.

"Hey, loser. Why are you here alone?" They called out to me, standing up from the chairs.

Oh crap oh crap oh crap

They all started to gather around me. There weren't any workers around, and the place was practically empty.

"Aren't you gonna say something, huh?" A black haired guy with a strong jawline called out. They approached me. There was really no point of spurting an insult if they were just gonna use it as a reason to hit me. "Or are you just gonna stand there like and idiot?" He continued. They stood still for a couple of seconds before one of them full on punched me in the stomach.

 I curled over it to grab it in an attempt to stop the pain, but it quickly spread up to my lungs, creating a burning sensation. They began laughing at me because my eyes were watering from the pain. I couldn't breathe.

"Just leave me alone you dicks, don't you have something better to do than follow me around 24/7?"

"Oohh... he can speak! Aww, you almost scared us away with those threatening words. I hear you are such a coward now that you can't even bang some drums without passing out? Oh and you have anxiety? Just sounds like an excuse to me. Did you know that my gf did a cheerleading performance? It was fucking hot. Too bad you were in hospital for that part." He pushed me in the back and they sniggered. "The teachers had to call an ambulance you were so scared. Is that right?"

I was heating up with anger. I was sick of this. I just wanted them to back off from me. Every human has a drive for violence and power. It's in our genes. But these four are the weakest of all because they actually give into it.

"Cool! That's a sweet snap back you are holding. Can I have it?" He snatched it out of my hand. "Thanks." He smiled, patronising me. He rested it wonkily on the top of his head while his friends started to applaud.

Alright, that was enough. I've given them a three year chance to stop and if they don't stop now then they never will. There is only one way to make them.

Someone needs to teach them a lesson.

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(A/N: Sorry it's kinda short but trust me I'll be uploading more soon. BUT HOLY SHIT 1.1K READS WTF YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME ILY

honestly i dont deserve this cus i legit never update

i'll do some more very soon and stay alive |-/ )

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