Chapter 5: The start of something new?

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Josh's P.O.V:

"And then (y/n) just came along, pushed the guy off of me, and they left! She even helped me clean up the cuts. Man she's so nice," I told Tyler.

Gosh I'm so glad I got to talk to her. I was feeling really nervous at first but there's something about he that makes me feel at ease.

I was walking around the large oak tree with Tyler again. It was approaching the end of spring now, so the air felt cool and fresh. The sun was shining through the leaves, creating a spotted imprint of light on the ground.

"Holy crap, dude! That's so cool. Sorry I wasn't there. If I walked with you those dicks from the basketball team wouldn't have laid a hand on you."

"Just shuddup," I said, punching him playfully in the arm. "It's not like you're exactly 'tough'." We laughed, and sat down with our backs against the tree.

~ ~ ~

Your P.O.V:

On Saturday Jenna and I went to McDonald's to pick up some fries and a soda, and came back to my house. When I arrived I could hear Tyler was busy in the basement playing the piano and screaming, so I just led her straight up to my room.

We watched some crappy 80s movies before heading downstairs to go to the park.

I went into the living room to get Jenna's jacket, and found Tyler playing aimlessly with a basketball on the couch.

"Hey Tyjo," I said, picking up the two jackets.

"Hey (y/n)." He put down his basketball.

"I'm going to the park with Jenna, wanna come?"

"Who's Jenna?" He asked.

Wait a sec... it's been nearly two months and he hasn't met my best friend? This has to change.

"Come," I said, eagerly taking his hand and leading him out onto the front porch, where Jenna was standing.

"Jenna, this is my bro, Tyler. Tyler, this is my best friend Jenna." They looked at each other and smiled.

"Hey," Jenna said. Tyler started to blush a little. Weird, I have never seen him go like this. He's normally so chill.

"Hey, you can call me Tyjo if you want." He said. Wait! That was our thing.

Oh well.

~Lil Time Skip~

When we arrived at the park I took them to a bench under the shade of the large oak tree, away from everyone else, and asked if either of them wanted ice cream. I definetly did. (Although I always want ice cream).

"Yeah thanks, vanilla please," They both said in unison. I don't know why but I was actually starting to ship them.

I came back 5 minutes later with three ice creams and saw Jenna resting her head on Tyler's shoulder, with her eyes shut. He had put his hat on her head to protect her face from the sun.

Okay it's not just a light ship anymore, they are MEANT FOR EACH OTHER.

~ (another time skip oops sorry) ~

It was a Sunday and I felt pretty sluggish, so I was just relaxing at home reading some book I wasn't that into and occasionally churning out a piece of homework. Tyler was in the other room doing what not.


I picked up my phone had saw that I had an unread message. It was from Josh.

Jishwa: Heyyy I'm bored d'ya wanna hangout

Jishwa: I finish my shift at 1pm so we could grab lunch? xx

I glanced at the clock and saw it was 11:30pm, and from where I live it would probably take like 20 minutes to reach the music store. That's loads of time.

Me: Yeah sure I'm not really doing much atm

Jishwa: Kk can't wait! See ya

Me: Byee

I thought for a sec. So is this like a date? Nah, he's Tyler's best friend.

Of course it's not.

- - - - -

(A/N Sorry this chapter's kinda short! I have exams coming up soon so yeahh. I love you guys and stay alive |-/)

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