Chapter 8: Time goes on

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Your P.O.V:

It was the first day of the summer holidays. Josh, Tyler, Jenna and I had all kinda merged into one friendship group since we all got along so well.

Time had marched on - 4 months had passed. Today was the day we had all agreed to meet up at the park. Tyler came into my room and started shaking me. I was still slumped in bed.

"Hey, (y/n), wake up! We're leaving in an hour, you gotta get ready, idiot." He said with his signature sass.

"What did you just call me, Mr Joseph?" I replied, sitting up ready for a fight.

"Idiot," He said, standing his ground.

"Alright you're getting it," I shouted, picking up my pillow and running across the room. He saw what was coming, so snatched it out of my hands before I could do anything.

"Hey! Give it back!" I giggled. He held it up higher than me, and lucky for him he was taller. I jumped up to try and grab it but to no avail. "Asshole." I said, under my breath. He laughed and walked out of the room triumphantly.

Oh yeah, and to update my life - I recently got a name change officially to (y/n) Joseph. I felt much better living like this with people I love so much. I am now apart of the Josephs. I threw on some black denim shorts and a tank top, slipped on my converse, brushed my teeth and ran down to have some orange juice and lucky charms.

I couldn't wait to hang out with Josh again.

"Hey Tyjo! You ready? We're gonna be late!" Ever since he met Jenna, he had been working really hard on how he looked to impress her. He ran down the stairs and I grabbed the keys and left.


When we arrived at Josh's house, his mom greeted Tyler and I.

"Hey Mrs Dun." We said together. She gestured for us to come inside so we followed. She led us into the living room; a large room with three small sofas surrounding a low glass table, and a TV on the wall opposite. There were bookshelves lining one wall, that I could tell hadn't been used much because dust was beginning to gather. There was a large beige and fluffy carpet underneath the glass table and under parts of the sofas. I could see Jordan (Josh's brother) was laying across one of the sofas, doing a drawing of what looked like a cactus.

I could hear Josh drumming faintly downstairs, pretty loudly too. His mom didn't look very happy about it. There was a tray of Oreos that Josh's dad had apparently put out earlier on the table - which Tyler quickly helped himself to.

"Mrs Dun, is it okay if I go downstairs to see Josh?" I asked.

"Yes, of course! Feel free." She replied. flashing me a smile. I walked down the stairs and opened the door. The basement was a small room, with a drum kit in the far right hand corner, a small red sofa to the left, facing a little TV on a wooden table. I could tell Josh hangs here a lot because there were various posters hanging up with bands like blink-182 and stuff. His parents probably didn't like that.

Next to the drum kit there was a stereo with various country music CDs scattered around it. I found that pretty hilarious.

"Oh, hey (y/n)," Josh said, stopping his drumming immediately. It amazed me how much control he had over it. "Great to see you again,"

"Sup Mr Dun, and you too." I replied, making him laugh. " I could hear you playing, you're amazing! Where's you get lessons? At school? Or-"

"Nah, I teach myself. I just listen to the music and try to copy the beats. It's not that difficult once you get the hang of it. Here, come, I'll show you."

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