"Not much. My mom and dad died from a house fire. I don't know their names. I don't think anyone here knows, either," I said honestly. "All I remember is a face. I think it was my mum. She looking down at me. She had red hair, much redder than mine..." Mr. Al nodded.

"Lily, I want you to listen to me very carefully," Mr. Al said in a suddenly serious tone. "I can't explain much here, but you can help me. If you stay here you will disappear. If you come with me, you will be in great danger, but you can learn to protect yourself, you have great power. The choice is yours."

I looked for a hint in his face that this could be a joke, that this dude was on serious drugs. That would explain the outfit. But, Mr. AL's face was very serious.

"I'll be willing to go anywhere but here," I said, thinking about leaving the house of sad, depressed kids who lost their parents. For the first time in my life, I felt hope for another life: a better life. But the other half of me just said it to go along with this crazy man. He could be a murderer.

"Well, I will see you soon enough. I will explain everything back then," Mr. Al said. Back then? I wondered. He then pulled out a brown stick about a foot long with symbols on it and vanished with an earsplitting CRACK. What the heck?

I sat in my room for a moment and glanced down at my small pile of books. The paper covers were worn and faded from me studying them so much. They started to vanish.

"No!" I said, jumping down to save them. Those books were my only companion through all this craziness. I heard a hiss, I looked around to see my kitten jump down from the dresser into my arms. The room started to spin and rumble like an earthquake, making me fall over. I held on to my fuzzy kitten, Riley, and prayed.

Then it was still. I opened my eyes to find myself in a different place. Riley was still in my arms. We were outside in the cold night air, in some sort of park? The grass was dead and dry, but a cold miss hung around the air. Where did everyone go? What did Mr. AL mean? I start to panic. Where was I? I look around to see a dark figure floating towards me-- yes floating. It had no legs it was walking on but glided like how I imagine an angel would. But this was no angle. I felt an overwhelming amount of sadness. I started to cry, hugging Riley closer to me, feeling her warmth next to my cold body. I closed my eyes and wished to go back to the orphanage for the first time in my life.

I opened my eyes, to bright light. A man was holding a stick, just like Mr. Al's and a silvery substance flew out of it towards the creature. The creature fled back into the darkness it came. I stared at where it had vanished, trying to make sense of it.

I looked around to see not only the man but three people standing, pointing sticks at me. They were murmuring something to each other. I couldn't make any sense of it, it was in code. I stopped crying.

I scooted back away from these people as a new fear came over me. "Who are you?"

"We are here to help," said the man in the middle in a kind voice. The tip of his stick ignited, letting me see his worn face. He was pale and had numerous, deep scratches on his cheek that crossed over to his forehead.

"Remus Lupin?" I whispered in awe. I looked at the girl next to him. She had soft features and bubblegum pink hair. "Tonks?" I looked over to the man on the other side of Lupin, he had more scars all over his face. He looked deformed. An odd sort of eye patch crossed his face, but it wasn't a patch, but a different eye. "Mad-Eye?"

"What are you saying, girl?" said Mad-Eye look-alike. "Speak up!"

"Calm down, Moody," said the Tonks look-alike, but her face was fearful of the small child on the ground in front of her.

Lily Potter (Harry Potter's Twin)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon