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The pit patter of the rain against the roof and windows isolates him from every other sound. The dimly lit room occasionally lighting up as lightning strikes revealing only momentarily a young man sitting on the bed leaning against the wall. A closed laptop and a guitar is barely visible with the light streaming in from the bathroom through the partially opened bathroom door.

The young man gets up and walks to the mirror sitting on top of his chest of draws. His tall slim figure can be seen as a silhouette against the light as he stands fanning the mirror. The room lights up again briefly followed almost instantaneously by a loud roar of thunder that made the windows Rattle.

It was only a matter of time before a smile formed on the face of the image in the mirror. Slowly a brilliant and cheerful smile is formed. A smile that stands out in clear contrast to his dark complexion and the hollow eyes seemingly void of emotions and life. The reflection spoke in a calm deep sinister tone, "So you've finally made up your mind. Wonderful. Let's begin"

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