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"You're going to help the police," Rebel said, a note of incredulity to his voice. He barked a laugh and shook his head. "Those news stories are going to be legendary, I'm sure."

Slick gave another shrug, an unashamed smile still on her lips. "Seems like a good idea for the moment. No worries though," she winked at us, "the moment it gets boring, I'll be sure to give you a call. Besides, where else will we find people as loco en la cabeza as we are?"

Rebel and I both laughed at that.

"Anyway," Slick sighed. "I've got to get going. Don't want to risk Law waking up without me there. Goodness knows what she'd put Liam through. I'll be in touch," she promised.

"We'll be keeping tabs on London," I returned.

Rebel and I watched her leave for a moment, neither of us turning this time when Catatonic let another faux leader out. Instead, Rebel turned toward me. He stared pointedly at the knife wound before making eye contact with me. "We need to get that stitched up."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Reb," I said sarcastically. "You trying to tell me it won't close up on its own in the next five minutes?"

"Not unless there's something you'd like to share with me," he retorted. His green eyes looked past me at the detectives then. "We can have them send up a paramedic, or something. I'm not too keen on leaving those three alone with the police."

"Yeah, Cat would give them a run for their money," I mused in agreement. "We'll have to stick around until they're all done sorting through the UN leaders."

"Shouldn't take 'em much longer," Rebel said, a hopeful tinge to his words. "Come on," he urged then, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Let's go get our new friends to call a paramedic up for you."

By the time said paramedic had stitched up my shoulder — after going wide-eyed when I refused any painkillers before she began — Catatonic and Low had finished sorting through the United Nations leaders. They and Rage were the last people who were not officially, legitimately part of the UN to leave the connecting room. Rage was somber as usual, and seemed a little annoyed at having to endure such close quarters with Catatonic for so long, while Cat remained chipper as usual, sticking almost obnoxiously close to Low.

"All done?" McCann asked hopefully.

"Yes," Low answered curtly while Cat was still in the process of opening his mouth.

Rage gave Rebel and I a pointed look before he silently made his departure. Elson gave him a sideways look as he headed past him toward where the rest of us stood, but he didn't say anything about Rage leaving.

McCann visibly relaxed in relief, but he maintained his air of professionalism as he nodded. "Good. Then I can have the rest of our men come up here and serve as escorts to the legitimate UN leaders."

"Happy to make your job easier," Catatonic said with a catty smile.

"Cat," I warned.

"Sorry, Boss," he said with an entirely unapologetic voice. "So," he said, looking between McCann and Elson now, "what're you guys gonna do about the mysterious youths who are getting away? Surely that's gonna make for an obnoxious amount of paperwork."

Low arched a brow in silent punctuation of her friend's question.

McCann actually smiled. "It'll be handled. Nothing any of you need to worry about, to say in the least."

"Not that you would worry, anyway," Elson said.

"Fair point," Catatonic said before glancing down at Low. "You ready to get outta here?"

"You're not driving this time," was her answer as she took hold of his arm again and began to steer him toward the door.

"That's offensive, Low, I am a brilliant driver," was the last thing I heard Catatonic say before the two of them had successfully made their way out of the room.

McCann and Elson turned back to Rebel and I. "Well," Elson said, tucking the notepad with the list of faux leaders under his left arm as he extended his right hand, "in spite of how insane this entire thing has been, it was nice working with you."

"Made our lives just a little easier for a day," McCann agreed as I shook Elson's hand, and then his.

Rebel shook their hands next. "You shouldn't expect that to happen very often. If ever again, actually."

Elson laughed. "Somehow I was expecting you to say that. So ..." he looked between us both, canting his head. "What're you guys gonna do now?"

Rebel and I exchanged a look. When we answered, it was together. "Make sure the job's finished."

Risk and RebelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin