Death by Pizza

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Death by pizza, wouldn't you attempt it?

Icy water. That's what you will scream and cry for just after a bite of this spiciest pizza of the world. In fact it even made a man's tongue bleed after four slices. Made from the spiciest pepper Trinidad Moruga Scorpion chiles which is about two and an half times stronger than a pepper spray.

The pizza costs like $19 + but the awesome restuarant offers something in exchange. You like the full pizza in 30 minutes with a little pint of liquor or water then the wicked restuarant puts your picture on its Wall of Fame. Additionally you get $33+ money from the restuarant. And if someone doesn't finish the pizza, then they add $4 to the pot, which by the way is the very pot which will be given to the winner who finishes the spicy slices from hell.

Till date noone is able to get the prize. Recently a man had got a heart stroke from eating the deathly pizza. But the challenge in it seems quite hot and sexy, so wouldn't you attempt it?

Weekly Question Mag: 7th April 2014Where stories live. Discover now