What's hot on Wattpad

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Hello, Hola, hallo, Namaste

How are my hot wattpadians? Now that just sounds weird. Anyway on with the column. For this week I thought that I would tell you about some books that I've been reading that I think are pretty cool.

Saving my angel by dr3amstar

Bitter Kisses by LifeGoesOn31. This was a werewolf story but it wasn't as cliche as the rest. I personally really enjoyed reading it plus it is completed

Superior by starlightt, I personally haven't finished reading it because it had an interesting plot and was well written.

Now moving onto other things. Some of you may have seen divergent or read it. I've read it but since I live in the England which is basically a tiny island where everything seems to reach here weeks after it does in the US. It comes out on the 4th of April which means I have to wait till Saturday to see it since I can't on Friday. Did any of you see it? Or have you read it because I thourougly suggest though all I will say is that I felt that all that happened in the first book could've happened in half the book but I still enjoyed it. It's well worth it.

So I'd like to start having input from you guys. If there's anything you want me to write about,please let me know and I'll write about it.

Weekly Question Mag: 7th April 2014Where stories live. Discover now