He opens the door and pulls me inside before pushing me up against the door without giving me time to protest. Before I know it, his lips are attacking my neck feverishly eliciting breathy moans from me. I stay pressed against his body, enjoying the feel of his hot tongue against my cool skin.

"I-Ivan, w-we need to s-stop" I stutter out, my voice giving away how much I was enjoying his close proximity. He slowly pulls away from my neck giving me only enough space to breathe. Gazing into his eyes erupted a feeling of desire that coursed through my veins.

Without another word, I pull him down to me and capture his lips between my teeth eliciting a groan that made my want for him increase. He quickly picks me up and rushes us to his room where he gently throws me onto the bed. I have no time to respond before his body is on top of mine and our lips move in sync.

He pulls away to lift his shirt off of his body before helping me out of my dress. Our lips are battling for dominance as the remains of our clothing are discarded. I didn't realize how much of a release I needed until Ivan gave it to me. He collapses on top of me as we both struggle to catch our breaths.

" I don't think I'll ever get tired of making love to you mia cara" Ivan whispers as he gently strokes my hair.

"Glad to know we're on the same page then" I whisper flirtatiously as I trail my hand down his chest. I feel his sharp intake of breath before I'm under him yet again. He gives me little time to adjust before his lips are against mine and we're at it once more.

The entire room was filled with the sound of moans until we finally finished. We remained cuddled in each others arms, the both of us welcoming the sleepiness we felt before the sound of the door ringing disrupts our slumber. With a groan, I reluctantly pulled away from Ivan and grabbed the nearest clothing item which happened to be Ivan's dress shirt.

Quickly pulling it on and buttoning it, I trudge to the door and fling it open with annoyance. I silently study the familiar male standing in front of me as I watch his eyes take in my disheveled appearance before a smug look crosses his face.

"You must be the woman who Mr. Stone was talking about" the man speaks and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"And what exactly has he said Mr.-" I question not exactly knowing his name and watch as he attempts to look behind me.

"Please call me Ryan, is Mr. Stone home? He asked me to look into a specific matter for him and I need to speak to him" he asks, completely dodging my previous question.

"Let me go grab him, you're welcome to wait in the living room" I tell him, as I lead him through the house. I walk back down the hallway and enter our room to see Ivan staring up at the ceiling, completely oblivious to my presence. I quietly creep up to him and jump on top of him causing him to jolt in shock. I giggle at his reaction and watch as his expression relaxes at the sight of me.

"Some guy named Ryan is waiting for you in the living room, said it was important" I inform him and watch as his expression becomes cold. He gets up immediately and gives me a kiss on the forehead before shrugging on some pants and walking out of the room. I wait a few seconds before quietly following him to the living room. I hide in the hallway and begin to listen in on their conversation..

"She's quite the catch Mr. Stone, I can see why you fell in love with her" Ryan teases

"I'm sure my relationship with my girlfriend isn't why you came to visit" Ivan snaps coldly before the room is filled with silence.

"Right, um so I looked into Alejandro Castillo like you asked and found a few things you might find useful" he finally says before continuing "So in the past few weeks Mr. Castillo has been meeting a mysterious woman who goes by the name of Maria Torres at a café just a couple minutes from his office. Nothing eventful occurred until last week where Alejandro is seen getting rather physical with the woman which ended in her storming out. I looked into Ms. Torres and found no records before March 16, 2012 which was a little strange. What I did manage to find was that she moved here from Miami and lives with a distant relative. My only guess is that she's either a mistress of Mr. Castillo or that she's running away from something which would explain the lack of existence before 2012." he explains and the room is consumed by a rather tense silence.

"Did you find any way for me to contact Ms. Torres" Ivan asks and all I can hear next is the shuffling of papers.

"I was able to find an address of a relative she's been staying with for a few months now but that's all I could find" he responds and I decide to head back to the room. I jump onto the bed and pretend that I was scrolling through my phone the entire time. I think back to what Ryan told Ivan and realize that this Maria character showed up exactly a year after my mother's death and that these meetings started roughly around the same time as my first day at Stone Industries. I'm taken out of my thoughts by a persistent shaking of my shoulder, which happened to be Ivan.

"Mia cara this is the second time you've completely zoned out, is there something bothering you" he asks concerned and I gaze into his eyes before leaning up to give him a light kiss. He lays us down and I cuddle into his side while coming up with a good excuse.

"It's just I've had a lot on my mind between my father, work and you but I'm sure I'll be fine" I assure him and watch him look at me unconvinced. "So what did Ryan need to tell you" I ask in attempt to change the subject.

"He was just informing me about this guy I've been having him keep an eye on for a bit" he responds while playing with my hair. It kind of hurt knowing he was keeping secrets about my father from me but for now, I needed to focus on finding a way to get that address from Ivan without being caught. It's about time I paid Maria Torres a visit and found out the real reason as to why my father came back into my life. With that thought in mind I said a quick goodnight to Ivan and fell asleep in his warm embrace.

Chapter 30 complete! It seems like we're finally getting a glimpse of Alejandro's reasons for returning to Amelia's life and who is this Maria character? Make sure to comment what you think as well as vote and share!! The constant support is greatly appreciated and brightens my day whenever I see the feedback.
Love y'all<3

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