Chapter 30

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The last chapter left off where they were on both sides of a door crying and Bryson started singing to Mia.....

Bryson POV:
After I did that song for Mia cause I knew she loved that song the door slowly came open and there was my queen. She had tears in her eyes and puffy red eyes but she was still beautiful. We just look at each other and kissed and guess what I'll tell y'all later but back to the story.
Mia: I love you but it's been rough since you've been back and when you came back you expected me to drop all my friends and just focus on you it don't work like that baby
Bryson: Honestly this is my fault if I would have been understanding this wouldn't have even happen I feel less of a man that I didn't do anything Mia you remember when we was getting married and I told you I am not a very understanding person well now I hope you believe me *laughs*
Mia: I never really thought about it but we will make it through whatever maybe this is god's plan maybe this is his way of bringing us closer as a whole family
Bryson: How *kiss* did *kiss* I *kiss* get *kiss* so *kiss* lucky *many more kisses*??
Mia: let's go back downstairs
End of conversation....
They got downstairs to see Jasmine in tears and so was Brina while everyone just looked at Jasmine with a mug. So me and Bryson looked at each other and laughed cause we THOUGHT it was because of us....
Intense conversation:
Mia: damn y'all emotional *laughs*
Bryson: Bro what the fuck wrong with y'all face??
Brina: tell her what you did before I jump on your ass cause she told Bryson not to and you go do it
Jasmine: I told Lucas to meet me and *starts crying* I told him stuff and he was like I'm planning on taking her and her kids with me to start over and I was like no you not and he was like yes tf and I was like nahhhh you got me fuck up and he hit me and I jumped on him and shot him by accident I promise and I drove off leaving him there and then the next day there were polices there and he was on a stretcher dead and I started crying and ran up to him telling him to wake up bu-but he wouldn't *cries harder* I am so sorry.
Mia: Jasmine shut the fuck up dumb bitch okay you tried to cause you didn't want to face the fact that your cousin raped me but thank you and you still my girl now give me a hug *Jasmine comes for a hug then slap punch punch x3* that's for not telling me and go clean up before dinner you bleeding
End of conversation
After that they woke the kids so they could eat and watch TV then shower and go to bed for school and I talk to Jasmine and she said she did what she thought was right and we worked it out. The kids were upstairs and I thought of a game for adults since the kids were asleep and it was history box.(This is a good game but drama comes with it) Anyway you say stuff that you have did since you known everyone person out loud that you weren't suppose to do or didn't tell anyone kinda thing.
Game Time:
Mia:Is everyone ready to speak the truth and nothing but the truth?? Bryson: I will go first Mia something that I have did was call you a hoe because I thought you lied to me saying you had my child so I secretly got a test done....
Mia: What did the test say?????*quiet* Bryson: What you mean?? they are all mine!!
Mia: Oh cause I recall me being a virgin when I slept with you only person other than you that had my body was you and Lucas so you should feel stupid as fuck anyway next
Brina:This is for Future one night a long time ago when we were all at some party and I went to the bathroom someone gave me oral but I don't remember who it was
Future:Okay umm this is for everyone I'm having another baby really really soon
Brina:How if I am not pregnant???
Future:I got someone pregnant and cheated I'm so sorry baby I love you so much and I don't want to lose you
Brina:*Gets up and walks out without saying anything and the girls follow behind her*
End of that!!👍🏾👍🏾
Brina:He doesn't love me or gives a fuck about my feelings. How come I give him all of me and he takes advantage of that??? All I have ever done is been good to him and this is how he repays me for my goodness I try to be a good mother which I think I am I believe I am a great wife cause from the time he wakes up he has clean clothes food on the table for every meal of the day and he cheats and get some bitch pregnant. Maybe he takes me for granted maybe I should just die*Mia slaps her*
Mia:What the fuck did you just say??? Just because someone cheated on you really!!! This is not the first time you have been through something you have a goddamn baby for goodness sakes and you stand here and say this bullshit god is testing your faith and right now you letting the devil win suck it up and go back inside with us with the independent bad bitch look don't let him see you down leave him to dry for about 2 months leave at night come to my house use so male old spice and go back 1 in the morning or something make him beg for your attention but don't give it to him bring up his babymama every time he tries to talk and watch how things change now bring your ass back inside so we can go to the club
Brina:You right come on*they go back inside*We are bout to go out to make me feel better about this divorce come on girls
Future:D-Di-Divorce???Baby???*Grabs Brina arm*
Brina:Ummm I am not your babymama so get your hands off me I'm single with one priority Bryson and Chris watch the kids come on girls I wanna get fucked tonight I'm horny as fuck
Bryson:Really sis stop being nasty I don't say horny unless I am which brings up a great point baby
Mia:This has an alarm on it so no one can get in at all so let's go girls the kids should be bout ready to wake up have fun bye
*They left let's see what happens while they are out*

Hope y'all enjoyed this!!! I think this is my longest chapter sorry y'all for waiting so long just been busy but byee!!!

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