Chapter 1 The Kume Island Caves

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Kaito clenched his fist, feelings of fear and aggravation overwhelmed him. Itsuki and the other boys where laughing at his expression. "What's the matter idiot, scared?" Don't you want your bag back?" Asked Itsuki in a mocking tone. "Yes but why this late?" Kaito asked worried adjusting his glasses to his face.

"It doesn't matter, just get your bag and we'll leave you alone from now on. Said Itsuki." Yeah think of it as a test of courage." Said another boy. The others  snickered in agreement. "What if we get into trouble?" Kaito asked in fear." Just do it! "Know one needs to know. Itsuki said. "Nobody goes into the caves in this weather. Kaito said as a soft thunder echoed from far off. "You know what we'll do if you don't right? "Itsuki was saying aggravated by Kaito's cowardice.

Hoping they really might leave him alone if he went in and with no other choice in his mind, as he need his bag for school tomorrow. "I'll go!" Kaito exclaimed with conviction. "Alright finally hurry so we can get out of this rain." Said Itsuki in a cool but aggravated manner. 

Looking out to the cave in it's darkness that lay beyond, looking to the vines and trees around him and the cave. He was still in fear of getting into trouble. He only just moved here not even a month ago from Sendai. He thought the last thing he and his family needed was trouble like that. Not knowing what's in the caves also worried him.

Walking up to the cave taking deep breaths focusing on the smell of the rain, trying to drown his fears he moved the branch out of his way and grabbed for his phone and turned the flashlight on. Folding his umbrella he felt the wet slimy feeling of Vines hit his neck and freaked. Turning to see Itsuki and the others laughing he looked beyond them at the clouded evening knowing it would be dark soon.

He had to hurry get his bag and go home. Assuming they wasn't planning anything else Kaito thought. Avoiding the massive puddles he went on to thru the dark with no other light but his phone flashlight.

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