Chapter 2 From Cave To Cave

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Descending down the cave carful not to slip on the wet rocks. Kaito noticed the cave walls where glistening like glitter. It had a faint earthy smell and was much cooler than outside with the hot humid rain.

Kaito pointed his light to a chirping sound to see a cluster of tiny bats not to far down in the cave. Nothing like the giant Okinawan flying fox bat that was big and was always near trees. That bat looked like a puppy dog. This bat unfortunately looked like a ugly hamster with wings. He thought. However they where very small about 3cm or so. So with that fact they where loveable he decided.

Making his way deeper in the depths following a small trail of water flowing down the cave he was reminded by his stomach how long since his last meal was. If only I could have gotten to eat my lunch. He said to himself in deep thought. How was I supposed to know someone would take it while I was in the restroom? Nobody saw anything either! It must have been Itsuki he was smiling when I got back to class, looking into my bag. Maybe if I kept my lunch in my bag? No even my bag was taken and tossed into a cave. We where supposed to be in highschool now, but apparently not everyone was there mentally. Oh well, Mom is probably making chicken curry now. She makes it every Thursday. He thought as his stomach grumbled.

Looking at the time on his phone witch read 20:15 it was a good thing he told his mom he would stay late visiting with a new friend he made. If she knew the truth, what would she do? I'd rather not create problems for my family.

Still deep in thought he continued until he got to a metal bridge going over a lake. So that's where all the water is going. He thought. He started upon the the bridge looking at the rocks and his path. At the end of the bridge he saw a stone formation that looked like a woman praying. Looking at the lake the water looked blue to his phone light. It was beautiful. Just at the bank not far away was his bag. Happily he snatched the bag up upon his shoulder. "Alright I don't have to go any deeper." He said out loud, listening to the echo he made.

"Oi!!!" Came a shout through the cave. The sound was a adult male's voice. At that moment Kaito understood why he was to go in the cave. They had me go in the caves so they could call the authorities, and so I would be expelled. Kaito thought worryingly. "Your not supposed to be hear come out now!" The man shouted angrily.

Terrified and on the verge of tears. Kaito slipped off of the wet rocks and into the lake. Falling into the lake floor he desperately tried to swim back up but the water kept pushing him under and away. Is this a river? It look so still earlier. He thought. He eventually found a place to breath. Hanging on to on of the stalactites using his soaked phone to look around. Luckly the phone was waterproof. Looking around there was no roof or way up. So it's just a air pocket. I'm going to die! He thought freaking out. He dipped his head into the water looking around. He saw the water downstream had a soft blue glow. He had to try so turning his phone off and putting it away. He let go, and was swept in the direction of the glow.

There was no air pockets and the glow was dim, but bright with this darkness. Moving his body trying to go with flow with the river the best he could. Hopefully I won't hit any stalactites. How can I avoid what I can't see? He thought. The closer he got to the faint light the more the shadows of stalactites where visible. Finally he was near the source of the light.

The river was flowing fast and the opening was very small with pointy stalactites there to catch him if he missed the entrance. Using his whole body swimming in the motion of a dolphin he reached the opening and breathed once again.

Holding on to the ledge carful to not get swept away. That light was moonlight. He thought. Breathing hard and tierd he rested on the ledge happy to be breathing again, as he gathered the strength to pull himself up on to the cold dry dirt.

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